Best Site Ever.
- Accordion Man
- Achilles' Heel (as Oh No Kryptonite)
- Acme Products
- Action Series
- Adventure Series
- Air Hug
- Alien Among Us
- Amateur Sleuth
- Amusing Injuries
- Animated Anthology
- Animated Cartoons
- Animated Series
- Animated Trope
- Anvil on Head
- Artistic Expression
- Baby Carriage
- Bad Boss
- Black Like Me
- Bosom Buddies (misspelled as Bosum Buddies)
- Boxing Lesson
- Broken Heel
- Buddy Cop Show
- Campbellian Hero
- Catch That Pigeon!
- Cat Fight
- Chained Heat
- Chase Scene
- Chekhov's Gun (as Sword Over The Mantel)
- Collapsing Lair
- Common Sense
- Contractual Immortality
- Cop Show
- Crime And Punishment
- Dating Sim
- Davey Vs Goliath
- Dead Horse Trope
- Defective Detective
- Discredited Trope
- Double Date
- Dramatic Half-Hour
- Dramatic Obstacles
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- Drunken Montage
- Elephant in the Living Room
- Enhance Button
- Every Car Is a Pinto
- Exact Words
- Exploding Calendar
- Facial Recognition Software
- Failure Is the Only Option
- Familiarity Breeds Contemplation
- Firemans Carry
- Fish out of Water
- Forced Prize Fight
- For Want Of An Nail
- Fourth Wall
- Ghostly Advisor
- Good Cop/Bad Cop
- Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress
- Green-Skinned Space Babe
- Hand Wave
- Heroic Archetype
- He's Dead, Jim
- Hot Pursuit
- I Love Nuclear Power
- Impersonating an Officer
- In Another Man's Shoes
- Incompetent Boss
- In Sanity
- Inspirationally Disadvantaged
- Just Between You and Me
- Locked in a Room
- Magic from Technology
- Man on Fire
- Mentor Archetype
- Messianic Archetype
- Mixed Archetypes
- Modesty Bedsheet
- Mouthy Kid
- Mysterious Past
- Near-Death Experience
- No Big Deal
- Noble Savage
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Not-So-Small Role
- Oedipus Rex
- Pillow Fight
- Plan B From Outer Space
- Postmodernism
- Put on a Bus
- Rags to Riches
- Reactionary Fantasy
- Red Scare
- Red Wire Blue Wire
- Reverse Psychology
- Re Vision
- Re Write
- Road Block
- Saved By The Bell
- Seeker Archetype
- Self-Destruct Mechanism
- Show Some Leg
- Slo-Mo Big Air
- Smoking Gun
- Soap Opera Disease
- Social Semi-Circle
- Speculative Fiction
- Spit Take
- Star-Crossed Lovers
- Surprise Witness
- Tap on the Head
- That Was Some Vacation
- The Beard
- The Cavalry
- The Most Dangerous Game
- The Wire
- This Is Not Right
- Timmy in a Well
- Trickster Archetype
- Twisted Ankle
- Two-Timer Date (as Double Date)
- Weapon of Mass Destruction
- We Need a Distraction
- Whats My Line
- What The
- White Like Me
- Will They or Won't They?
- Work Com
- Yellow Peril
Plus various additions to other entries.
This list of contributions is maintained not so much for ego purposes (that too!) but because it's far easier to discuss changes to an entry if you can track down the original author.