Chifu36 is a woman in her early twenties who likes to watch Anime, play Video Games, and generally spends all the rest of her time on She lives with her dog.
Tropes That Apply To Chifu36
- Animal Lover
- Berserk Button: Several. Most have to do with closed-mindedness.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Perfectly friendly unless her Berserk Buttons are pressed.
- The Big Guy
- Bookworm
- Can't Hold Her Liquor
- Catchphrase: Several, but most notably: "Heyo, mofos!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Acts like this, but it's mostly a case of Obfuscating Stupidity
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Cuddle Bug: Tends to get this around animals, especially dogs.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cuteness Proximity: See Cuddle Bug above
- Daddy's Girl
- Double Consciousness
- Everyone Has Standards
- Fangirl
- Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: Most likely due to strong Attention Deficit Disorder.
- Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: Takes this attitude with anyone who wrongs her.
- Good Bad Girl
- Hates Being Alone
- Happily Failed Suicide
- The Hedonist
- Hikikomori
- Horrible Judge of Character: Eventually leading to lack of trust in everyone.
- Innocently Insensitive: Overly blunt, but only because she hates misunderstandings.
- The Klutz
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships
- Loony Friends Improve Your Personality
- Meganekko
- More than Meets the Eye
- Nay-Theist
- Nerd
- Not a Morning Person
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Does this to avoid conversation.
- Older Than They Look: Is 22, yet is sometimes mistaken for as young as 15.
- One of the Boys
- Otaku
- Plain Jane
- Professional Slacker
- Reformed, but Rejected: Eventually this led to Stopped Caring.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: Lives off of this.
- Shipper on Deck: Has the habit of pairing people up in real life, but not quite to the extent of The Matchmaker.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: A female example.
- Sleepyhead
- Squee
- Stopped Caring
- Sweet Tooth
- Took a Level in Jerkass: And then later on...
- Took a Level in Kindness
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate.
- Why Did It Have To Be Birds?
- Why Did It Have To Be Insects?
- Woman Child
- You Are What You Hate: Often complains about not liking humanity as a whole.