"When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow, and the places that you know seems like fantasy! There's a light inside your soul, that’s still shining in the cold. So Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark" -Dont Forget(Deltarune soundtrack)
hi guys! Bingus bingus! uh anyways im an cisgender lesbian and i go by she/her. :) I also made The Bargain Bin so check it out

Where is the bowl marx has going
Tropes that fit me
- Sir Swearsalot - fun drinking game, for the rest of this fucking page, take a shot whenever i fucking say a fucking curse in a fucking sentence.
- Cluster F-Bomb - Fuck! Fuck fuck? Fuck Fuck. (Translation: see the trope above.)
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! - mainly the "In reality.." part, put it here because there is no Useful Notes/ADHD .
- Deadpan Snarker downplayed, im not very deadpan and i think im not a party pooper. mainly the snarker part
- Cuckoo Snarker also semi-downplayed??
- Big Eater not elaborating out of embarrassment
- The Fool downplayed severely to play for laughs, like "Boo Boo i am a fool", its irony.
- Creepy Cute fan of the aesthetic.
- Serial Killer Only played online, and when it is, it's played for laughs.
- Surreal Humor Im not explaining this.
- Rapid-Fire Comedy also a fan of this type of funny.
useful extra stuff cause i dont know where to put my lesbianism
- Lesbian i am a lesbian. please dont be hateful due to this.
Media i like.
- Awful Hospital - I found out about this baby on TV Tropes actually! Really good i recommend it.
- Delta Rune - liked this pre-TV Tropes.
very goop frens
- Epithet Erased - Drinking game: Take a shot every time i ever mention Epithet Erased, ever.
- Homestar Runner - also found out about this on TV Tropes. Really good i recommend it.
- Panty And Stocking With Garter Belt - i know, WAY different compared to the other stuff, but fuck fuck fuck bitch? dick dick dick dick
- French Baguette Intelligence - EAT HIM.
- Pokémon Friendlocke - #MalDeservedBetter
- The Amazing World of Gumball - I watched this show too long
- Vanishing World - Im from outer space
- Ferry - slaps
- Kirby - Thanks Forgotten Land!