Hi there, in case you're wondering, here are a few things that I like: Reading, Writing, Video Games, TV, Comedies, Music, and other stuff.
My Favorites are as follows:
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Favorite Series/Works
Video Games:
- Kingdom Hearts
- Ace Attorney
- Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Ni GHT Sinto Dreams
- Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards
- Animal Crossing
- Katamari Damacy
- Klonoa
- Portal, Portal 2
- Mario, Paper Mario, Mario Party
- The Legendof Zelda, Wind Waker, Majora's Mask
- Rayman 2
- Super Smash Brothers
- Myst
- Pokemon
Favorite Tropes/Pages
- Adorkable
- Audience Reactions
- Awesome Music
- Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other
- Dummied Out
- Ear Worm
- Fanfic Tropes
- Friendship Tropes
- Funny Moments
- Heartwarming Moments
- Just for Fun
- Lady Mondegreen
- Moment Of Awesome
- Real Song Theme Tune
- Something Something Leonard Bernstein
- Sweet Exists
- Suspiciously Similar Song
- Tear Jerker
- Theme Tune Cameo
- Theme Tune Extended
- Urban Legend of Zelda
- Viewer Stock Phrases
- What Could Have Been