Chaos009, also known as Nemo on Deviant Art and Chaos_Virus on the Game Faqs forums.
Chaos009 provides examples the following tropes:
- Affably Evil: Is just luring the world into a false sense of security and is in no way a decent guy who just enjoys acting ambiguously sinister.
- A Man Is Not A Virgin: Except when he is. Even when he's gay. And he's not complaining.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Black wardrobe, evil laugh, and witty banter. We're sure he's getting to the villainy... eventually.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Kind of. Likes making things pretty and is a decent follower. Taking the initiative, however, isn't always easy.
- Depraved Homosexual - Evil fantasies, sinister pinkie-lifting, enjoys depressing subject matter and... um, maybe cast an admiring eye at one of his straight friends like once or twice? Point is, this gay guy is eeeeevil!
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: College student with wealthy parents. That is all.
- Gayngst - Been there, done that...
- Incredibly Lame Pun - Often they're cruel and unusual.
- Dark Is Edgy: Loves the black.
- Harmless Villain: Um... He can write very nasty prose?
- Nietzsche Wannabe - It's a rare day that This Troper doesn't think that The End of the World as We Know It isn't only inevitable, but well-deserved and the best thing that could happen to the human race...
- Straight Gay - Has yet to even consider wearing high heels. However...
- Transparent Closet - ...given how he frequently uses words like "fabulous" and "lovely", it's hard to understand how some of his offline friends remained ignorant as long as they had.
- Yangire - Has imagined dealing the most gruesome deaths almost as soon as he knew what death was. His only problem with the death penalty is the many tax dollars spent unnecessarily on inmates who just won't get their asses into The Chair. He has creeped out his friends, family and psychologist with some of his milder fantasies.
- Yaoi Fanboy - Although he hates most conventional Yaoi cliches.
- Yuri Fanboy - Because he doesn't discriminate. Still hates most Girls' Love cliches.