Tropers/Celestial07 is a creative troper who loves to write and read this sight.
Tropes that apply to Celestial's characters:
- A Boy and His X: A fan of Mons shows, especially Digimon.
- Action Girl: Applies to many of her female characters, Raine Shirayuki in particular.
- Action Survivor: Alison in Digimon Rewrite.
- Aerith and Bob: Just a few names; Darkai, Cygnet, Raine, Shichi and Illias. There's a fair amount of this.
- Affectionate Parody: Parodies Rewrite in ways such as calling resident Magnificent Bastard Kaoru Arakawa Ruru.
- Alpha Bitch: Alice Verah tends to play this role, though it also blends with Rich Bitch.
- Badass:
- Badass Damsel: Alice Verah can be this at times.
- Badass Longcoat: Aleatte wears one of these sometimes.
- Badass Normal: Virus Scarlet in Future Of Chaos.
- World of Badass: It must be fun in that girl's imagination.
- Berserk Button
- Brainy Brunette: Surprisingly, some of her most intelligent characters are Blonde. Even so, Shichi Kitakawa is quite intelligent.
- Break the Cutie: A big fan of this trope. Usually Darkai gets hit by this quite badly.