He's created a few pages over the years, but mostly tried editing them. The one he's most proud of is Brains, a web series made by a college friend of his.
Ceiling Cthulu is just another lurker-cum-tropernote , finally baking himself a cookie. He started a page or two back before everyone had to start baking (making it unimportant which pages he started), and tries to help here and there. He's also helplessly addicted to webcomics.
He also is a European mutt, essentially, having ancestry from: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Belgium, and maybe some other things too. None of the features are very dominant, aside from maybe the Welsh. Also, his last name is very German.
He would love to see humanity spreading through the stars as of 5-10 years ago, maybe live to see The Singularity. Part of this fascination can be blamed on his love for Sci-Fi (not that he doesn't love Fantasy as well) and astronomy (or at least the breathtaking vistas in space).
Puedo hablar español. No estoy increíble, pero puedo hablar bien por un gringo.
He can be quite the optimist, and usually expects the best out of people. He's friendly, and if you get him talking, he will probably take a while to shut up.
This troper shows examples of:
- Badass Bookworm: The Badass part is debatable, but he definitely reads. A lot.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Only if you're in a videogame.
- Cluster F-Bomb / Precision F-Strike: Depends on who he's with/what he's playing.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: His skills at videogames aren't exactly exceptional. Except for the brief moments of brilliance and killstreaks. Mostly when no one is looking.
- Last Lousy Point: CC likes to try beating a game as completely as possible. Keyword: try.
- Case in point: he has [Burn Out Burnout 3: Takedown]] at 98% completion. What's the other two percent? Races. What is one of game types he sucks at the most? Races.
- Most Tropers Are Young Nerds: Yarp.
- The Other Rainforest: Born and raised just outside Snohomish, Washington.
- The Quiet One: Was this until 4 years old, when his younger sister taught him how to speak. Before then, he apparently got by with a combination of his own sign language and "Klingon". Nowadays, he can be quiet, or he can talk your head off.
- Self-Deprecation: Where a lot of his humor comes from.
- Thinking Out Loud: He does this. A lot.
- Voice Types: Tenor 2 (lower range.)
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Favorite Fiction:
- *Mind: As long as they don't suck...
- Burnout 3: Takedown
- C89.5: The radio station to end all stations.
- The Clouds
- The Daily Show
- Dead Space
- Echo Chamber
- Half Life 2
- Homestuck
- Hot Fuzz
- Iain M Banks
- Labyrinth
- Light of Altair: It's not an amazing game, but it's fun, has a good story, and breathtaking space visuals. Also, the audio isn't half-bad.
- Linkin Park
- The Importance Of Being Ernest
- Pokemon: Only the first couple seasons though. And he has a game or two.