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Tropers / Callmeamuffin

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I'm just another troper.

Some people might wonder how I got onto this wiki. Well...

In 2018/19?, I was somewhat of a brony. I was watching a video, where at one part, he mentioned the trope Widely Spaced Jailbars. Curious I was at that time, I went to the page to see any information. I was learning information as I read along. I looked at other tropes, media I don’t know of, and the Rules of TV Tropes. Finally, I got an account on September 30th 2020.

I'm not a brony anymore, just to clarify.

Since the July 2022 issue, I have been a regular writer for Trope Report.

Tropes Pages I made:


I suggested the new images for these pages:


I suggested the new names for these tropes:

Other Things...

    open/close all folders 

    Favorite Media 

Anime and Manga

  • Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
  • Popotan note 
  • Pretty Cure
Films-Animated Films-Live Action Literature Music Web Animation Western Animation

    Tropes I think apply to me 
  • Berserk Button: Do not bring up any of my Old Shame on this wiki. Just don't.
  • Big Eater: I must admit, I have a habit of eating food. Thin variant, though.
  • G.I.R.L.: Guys can have avatars of female characters!
  • Tomboyness Upgrade: Gender-Inverted. I was noticeably feminine when I first joined the wiki. However, since 2022, I've started listening to hip-hop, and I have gained muscle in my chest, legs, and arms - characteristics associated with masculinity. Nonetheless, I still enjoy some feminine activities.

    Fave Tropes 

    Pet Peeve Tropes 
I may get aggressive when I talk about personal tropes I hate.
