Caellach Tiger Eye, who sometimes refers to himself as "CTE" for short (other names/nicknames may vary among individuals) was born in 1990, during the monthly timezone which makes him a Virgo (the old one, that is, the new one, he believes, can go and be a pathetic weakling).
The above sentence was most definitely not him being (jokingly) pretentious by pretending to be a Third-Person Person. Certainly not at all ...
That said, I've been frequenting TV Tropes for a while now, as an aspiring future writer who loves these little looksies into the arts.
Big fan of many fictional mediums, most notably Anime, Literature and Video Games.
Tropes which I'm personally fond of include (adding more as I think them up):
- Action Girl: And Lady of War and Cute Bruiser. Mind you, I like girls who can think as well.
- Affably Evil
- Alas, Poor Villain/Alas, Poor Scrappy
- Anti-Villain
- Anyone Can Die: ... To a certain extent. I'm not a fan when it turns Downer Ending.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Not! I prefer when it's experimented with, rather than played straight.
- Birds of a Feather
- Blue-and-Orange Morality
- Cerebus Syndrome & Knight of Cerebus: Executed right, it makes for an exceptionally effective change in tone - the reverse isn't a bad idea either.
- Character Alignment: One of the best things the D&D franchise ever gave us/popularised. Pity it's always deleted when editing.
- Character Development
- Complete Monster: While I mostly prefer complex antagonists with sympathetic or understandable motives, sometimes you need these guys, either to spice the story up or for variety, or perhaps for plot-related drama - and they can even be well-written characters to boot, which is when I go Squee! (OK, not really, but still...)
- Deconstruction: Followed by, at times...
- Disc-One Final Boss: Especially if done without making it predictable - among other things, Final Fantasy VII subverting it mid-way was actually one of the most impressive turnabouts in gaming history (both with story and drama).
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Equal-Opportunity Evil: Mind you, since I generally prefer sympathetic villains, this isn't so straightforward as it sounds.
- Five Bad Band: Having just one or two antagonists bores me to death at times - there's no variety, no flavour. It's very interesting to see these guys as Foils to the Five-Man Band, or to see them having various relations with each other throughout the story. Ties in with my fondness for Grey-and-Gray Morality.
- Five-Man Band: Though in my case it would probably end up being a "Dozen Man Band" when I finally get 'round to writing and publishing my works...
- Genre Savvy
- Good is Not Nice
- Grey-and-Gray Morality
- Guile Hero
- Hidden Depths
- Humans Are Flawed: So. Very. Much. In my opinion, this trope should be displayed in a museum - literally. And with emphasis on the positive elements.
- Humble Hero
- Interspecies Romance -> Half-Human Hybrid: It's at times done to death, but sometimes people can do it well. I'm only opposed when it implies how great it means to be human/humanoid (which isn't that often, thankfully).
- Knight in Sour Armour
- Kuudere: Gods, yes. You can hold me at gunpoint until I call it Sugar-and-Ice Personality, but you'll have to shoot me before my heart and soul change.
- Loads and Loads of Races: My in-progress novel actually has a bit of this, with members of the non-humanoid species even being major characters in their own right... when I finally get it going, that is. However...
- ... This time, there's no humans-with-non-humanoid-races interbreeding. For once in all of Creation! YAY!!
- ... ... Well, that is to say, it's because they can't just be biologically compatible - if I did that, then to prevent Humans Are Special I'd have to make said non-humanoids breed with different non-humanoids, and that would make the story a little bit messy... Phew!
- ... This time, there's no humans-with-non-humanoid-races interbreeding. For once in all of Creation! YAY!!
- Magnificent Bastard
- Nakama/True Companions: Though I like the Japanese title for this one, the new English one works beautifully, too (better than the above Dere-based one, anyway...)
- Opposites Attract
- Power Trio
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Red Oni, Blue Oni
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: An immensely gratifying phenomenon, when it happens. That's all that need be said, really.
- Rotating Arcs
- Rousseau Was Right: Ties in with Humans Are Flawed, to an extent - we might not be capable of complete goodness, but the idea that we have it despite (or maybe because of) our flaws is a beautiful one, indeed.
- Samaritan Syndrome
- Scars are Forever
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Not played too straight, though - meddling with character traits and tics makes it much more fun. Same deal with Tomboy and Girly Girl.
- Shoot the Dog
- Spanner in the Works
- Sympathetic P.O.V.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Time was, the former was all I could write. Now that I'm older, playing with it to various degrees is a shitload of fun - people aren't divisible into such categories in real life, why should fiction be so different?
- Tsundere
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Well, I'm not really a humanist, and I reckon non-humanoids deserve starring roles/acts of heroism as well. Then there's the Artificial Human trope...
- The Woobie (and (all of its varients): Mind you, it can be gratuitous at times - there's more ways to make people like a character than just by making them suffer, after all.