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Tropers / Buttbuttinate

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Welcome, fellow troper. It is I, Buttbuttinate!

I first discovered TV Tropes in 2013 but didn't sign up until 2017. Since them I can attest that it has truly ruined my life. It's a good thing my day job blocks TV Tropes on the computers, otherwise I'd be fired pretty quickly!

I'm a biromantic asexual non-binary person who is also autistic and ADHD. My primary interests on this wiki include Western Animation, Video Games and LGBT+ themes and representation in media. Usually I'm either wicking an entry or fixing typos/grammar errors (seriously people, double check your work before you publish!) but sometimes I'll make a new page for something. You can see a list of pages I've made below. I do other stuff too, like adding pictures to creator entries and giving input on the Trope Launch Pad.

My handle comes from a case of the Scunthorpe Problem where a word filter that swapped out obscene words for their less-obscene equivalents rendered "assassinate" as "buttbuttinate". Being the easily amused person that I am, I found the word "buttbuttinate" hilarious and it meant I didn't have to spend time thinking of a handle.

Oh and by the way, enjoy your stay! I promise I won't bite… much!

Stuff I've done on this wiki:

    open/close all folders 
    Pages I've created 

    Subjects that I've given images to 

    Character profiles I've written 

    Recaps I've written 

    Videos I've added 
