Burger Lord, aware of your presence.
I make gmod videos and stuff and I kicked Saris around on a different site, but I didn't do anything here so I'm out of his jurisdiction.
- Chaotic Neutral: I wanna be this, it seems like a fun alignment, but I guess because I wanted to have fun and stuff, I'm Chaotic Evil, so...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- Complete Monster: I guess I'm this because I called courtyard out on making too many theoretical characters and no videos, winning a bet against said courtyard and winning one of his theoretical characters (thus being able to make a video on her, and doing her justice as a result) and pushing around saris.
- Confusion Fu: Me vs Saris
Saris: oeuh just try to think- i'm sad and no girl likes me
- Evil Is Hammy: I would be just Large Ham if I wasn't, you know, EVIL
- Evil Redhead: I have some red in my hair I count right
- Leitmotif: BEHOLD
- Lethal Joke Character: MEDIC MAN
- Mook Horror Show: Just ask courtyard or huzn
Tropes that apply to my characters (at least the major ones)
Cinder Block Chris
- Arch-Enemy: He's this to Gerardo/Evil Christopher.
- He's also Arch Enemies with Charge Mc'Guy, mainly due to Charge Mc'Guy having a genocidal hatred for aliens.
- He's also this to The False Starter, due to Frank being from that of a species that're enemies with his.
- Aliens Speaking English: As revealed by my playthrough of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Chris is a namekian.
- Berserk Button: Exaggerated in that he has a lot of these.
- Bizarre Alien Sexes: By virtue of being a namekian, Chris has no biological gender, if he so wanted he could spew out eggs.
- Blood Knight: Chris will fight anyone if they so much as offend him, though it's a downplayed example, considering he never fights out of sadism, more because it's because of his alien values.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: Downplayed. He does have some human morals (honor being a main one for him), but he upholds them violently.
- Character Development: For a while he was just a guy who attacked people who were established as losers, now he violently reprimands Combat Pragmatists and upholds combat honor. He's also terrified of MPADJ. He still fights Memetic Losers though, due to his Proud Warrior Race Guy tendencies.
- Combat Pragmatist: Averted to the point of viciously reprimanding people who go by this code.
- Expy: Of two people:
- His Knight Templar honor-bound tendencies are extremely close to that of Private Funnyman.
- His Hair-Trigger Temper and his general appearance is based off of MPADJ.
- Foil: He's this to two characters:
- Evil c00kin': They're both honor-bound Blood Knights, but Evil c00kin' challenges anyone he gets near and is sometimes downright pathetic at fighting, whereas Chris has a code about challenging people and is fairly impressive at it, too.
- Gerardo: Both are Knight Templars, but Gerardo uses pragmatism and shenanigan-y tricks, whereas Chris is straight forward rage.
- Knight Templar: This entire section is about how much of a knight templar he is.
- Large Ham/Chewing the Scenery: His voice lines are supplied by Urien, so this should be expected.
- Lawful Neutral: He isn't inherently evil by being a Knight Templar, but god forbid you use pragmatism near him.
- Pet the Dog: His general treatment of Concrete Carol could be considered this, mainly due to the fact that she's still on Chris' team even though she lost to Rampage in his Bishōnen Line form.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the honor/code bound blue oni to Carol's belligerent and instinctual red oni.
- White Sheep: He's part of an Always Chaotic Evil race of Sore Losers that will kill you if you humble them in a fight, fair or not. Chris only cares if the fight was fair and he beat them on fair terms or if he loses on fair terms.
Concrete Carol
- Ax-Crazy: Carol, unlike Chris, only fights because her instincts tell her to. And her instincts are violent.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: To the point where calling her sentient by human standards would be false.
- Chaotic Neutral: She acts entirely independent of Chris and does whatever she pleases. She will help Chris out, though.
- The Lancer: She's this to Chris.
- Starfish Robots: She's an amorphous mass of Grey Goo that takes on the form of a human woman. Her chemical compound is closer to that of wet cement.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: In the way the T-1000 would do.
MEDIC MAN/The Plot Device
- Artifact of Doom: The plot device is essentially this. It granted MEDIC MAN with an exceeding amount of power, but the plot device is actually the one pulling the strings.
- Assimilation Plot: Pun aside, MEDIC MAN crusades around trying to absorb every gmodders universe to fuel his power.
- Apocalypse How: Class Z: What he essentially commits by absorbing a gmodders lore.
- Berserk Button:
- If you don't have a plot that he agrees with, consider yourself grounded.
- Grass Wench is a walking berserk button for him.
- Blood Knight: MEDIC MAN really enjoys fighting.
- Bond One-Liner: Gggrrrrroooooooooooouuuuuuunnnnnnnnddddeeeedddddddddd.
- Caps Lock: All of his videos have caps lock. Especially his videos.
- Chaos Is Evil: His view on people with no plot is essentially this.
- Expy: He degrades the entire videos by being present and his Arch-Enemy is a poorly made character adapted into being cannon fodder. Are we talking about MEDIC MAN or Nuclear Scout?
- Greater-Scope Villain: The Plot Device is technically a character, and it supplies MEDIC MAN with the amount of power needed to take over the universe.
- Knight of Cerebus: Parodied. His existence shifts a video from an intense fighting sequence to a slow, clunky, plot-filled video.
- Lawful Evil: He will ensure that your videos have a plot to his liking, whether you like it or not.
- Lethal Joke Character: He's slow, clunky and parodies Stop Motion Helper, but he's also a reality warping Multiversal Conqueror.
- Multiversal Conqueror: He's this without even thinking about it.
- Parody Sue: He's a Take That! to a lot of gmod protagonists.
- Reality Warper: Unlike Nuclear Scoutnote , MEDIC MAN consciously and actively warps reality.
Carl Howard
- Achilles' Heel: Being away from a store depletes his strength. The closer he is to a store, the more powerful he is.
- Aerith and Bob: On the receiving end. There's MEDIC MAN, Underwater Checkbook Joey Thomas, Roadrash, Cinder Block Chris, Concrete Carol, Dumptruck, Rampage, Evil c00kin', Shivman Stan and Gerardo. And his name is Carl Howard.
- Ax-Crazy: He gets downright murderous whenever he suspects you might be vandalizing his store, even if you're a customer. That said, he is good friends with The Science Master and the Justice Customers. Fun fact: He murdered the CEO of the company that owned the store he was working for because he was fired by the manager for attacking employees.
- Berserk Button: God forbid you actually intend on vandalizing the store.
- Blood Knight: Subverted. He doesn't necessarily enjoy fighting, but he'll do anything to protect his store.
- Captain Ersatz: He's literally just Steven put in an engineers body. Bonus points for having Steven's voice.
- Chaotic Neutral: Like Chris, he isn't inherently evil by being Ax-Crazy, in fact, if you've established yourself as being a customer to him, he could be downright friendly.
- Chewing the Scenery/No Indoor Voice: By virtue of having Steven's voice, he is hardly ever quiet.
- Married to the Job: On Yandere levels.
- Screaming Warrior: Yes.
- Shopping Cart Antics: He can summon a shopping cart full of stuff the same way Goku would summon a spirit bomb.
- Yandere: Towards his STOOOOOOOOORE!!
- A God Am I: Downplayed in that he is one. He isn't immortal, though he's convinced otherwise.
- Arch-Enemy: He's this to Cinder Block Chris.
- Bear Hug: He constantly does this to Evil Christopher as a parody to Zamasu's and Goku Black's first meeting. Much to Evil Chris's dismay.
- Blood Knight: It's hard to say what goes on in his head, but he certainly loves fighting.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Emphasis on the "Boisterous" part, he's really full of himself.
- Chaotic Evil: He revels in causing mass destruction, mayhem and stealing other peoples kills.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Unlike the person he's based on, he is very goofy.
- Demonic Possession: He possesses Chris in an alternate timeline and for some reason his entire personality changes.
- Dirty Coward: He will always run from a fight if he believes he can't win.
- Expy: He's one of Zamasu. Both believe "A God Am I", they essentially believe that if you aren't immortal, then you're evil and even his general appearance is based on Zamasu's.
- Laughably Evil: Again, unlike the guy he's based on, everything he does has at least a pinch of humor to it.
- Knight Templar: He believes that anyone not as strong as him is evil and therefore must be killed. Unless you actually beat him in which case he will hold a grudge forever.
- Shadow Archetype: He's practically what Cinder Block Chris would've been without Character Development.
- White Hair, Black Heart
Evil Christopher
- Ax-Crazy: Think of Chris without his sense of honor. That's Evil Christopher.
- Bad Future: He's from a reality where Gerardo won and possessed Christopher.
- Beleaguered Assistant: Anytime him and Gerardo share screen time, he's usually this.
- Bilingual Dialogue: Subverted. Evil Christopher speaks in a Japanese Zamasu voice and Gerardo speaks in english, yet Gerardo can't understand a lick of what he says.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Unlike Cinder Block Chris or Gerardo, Evil Christopher does everything For the Evulz.
- Cloud Cuckoo Landers Minder: He usually has to do all the thinking for Gerardo. Not that Gerardo listens.
- The Dragon: He's the right hand man to Gerardo.
- Expy: One of Goku Black. He's from a Bad Future where the Knight Templar "God" possesses the hero (Hero is a stretch for Chris, but still) and, for some reason, his entire personality changes.
- Knight of Cerebus: Mainly to be a foil to Gerardo.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: When he possessed Chris, for some reason his personality went from the laughable goofball to the sinister (When he's not near Gerardo) Ax-Crazy Card-Carrying Villain.
- Neutral Evil: He only follows Gerardo because he feels sorry for him.
- Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: Inverted. Evil Christopher is the serious one and he's Gerardo's right hand man.
In general
- Cult: Of funding.
- Co-Dragons: They're this to Gerardo/Evil Christopher.
- The Dividual: For the most part, they all as one character (Barring Rich Mc'Mitch)
- Exact Words/Villains Out Shopping: They do Gerardo's evil bidding. Literally. They go and bid for items in his name.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Unlike most cults, these guys are hardly a threat.
- Lawful Evil: They're a cult.
- Stupid Evil: Save for Rich Mc'Mitch
- Ax-Crazy: There isn't a person he doesn't want to kill.
- Blood Knight: It isn't necessarily because he's angry or unstable, he just loves fighting.
- Boisterous Bruiser/Boisterous Weakling: Zig-zags in between the two. It honestly depends on how motivated he is.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: He breaks into peoples cars and drives them into a nearby dock in hopes he'll find the legendary scuba car.
- Expy: He's a deconstruction of what a normal person would be if they tried to be MPADJ.
- The Fighting Narcissist: Downplayed. He's not nearly as strong as he thinks he is, but he's fairly pragmatic which makes up for his lack of strength.
Grief Chief Nick
- Affably Evil: Unlike everyone else, he'd much rather be eating than actually fighting.
- Big Eater: He made AI enhanced goggles to find food for him.
- Cowardly Lion: Half the reason he'd rather eat than fight is because he's afraid of a lot of his opponents. But he'll do anything for his Lord and Savior, Gerardo.
- Expy: Of Wimpy from Popeye, as they have they have the same eating habits and are both cowards. Also Glasseye'd Ol' Bill.
- Fat Bastard: Downplayed. He will fight you if Gerardo tells him to, but he'd much rather be eating.
- One-Note Cook: Downplayed. He can make snacks and would be happy to make them for his team, but anything beyond that...watch your step.
- Undying Loyalty: He seems to be the only truly loyal one to Gerardo.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: He's willing to sell his entire team out to anyone if they give him edible pennies in return. He's also not involved in what he sells.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: When he isn't trying to sell out to anyone for edible pennies, he's surprisingly competent.
- Dirty Coward: Unlike Nick, he'll try to pull a Screw This, I'm Outta Here once the opportunity presents him.
- Evil Counterpart: Of Product Man. They both sell stuff, but L0AN WANDERER isn't actually involved in what he sells.
- Extreme Omnivore: Once again, edible pennies.
- Fat Bastard: A straighter example than Grief Chief Nick.
- Meaningful Name: The 0 in his name alludes to the amount of successful loans he's been able to make.
Rich Mc'Mitch
- Almighty Janitor: Downplayed. He's at least the only decent one (and he's only decent) in the cult (barring Gerardo), and yet he's the lowest ranking cult member.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: He's the only one in the group to avert this.
- Expy: Of Doppelganger (Trainstorms version), due to them both being the only cunning one in the group, their general Surrounded by Idiots attitude and their Iron Butt Monkey status.
- Iron Butt Monkey: See Surrounded by Idiots below. And keep in mind he's the only one that can tank hits.
- Surrounded by Idiots: He's able to think of foolproof plans on how to beat his opponents (i.e. Let Chris' anger get the best of him, take advantage of Sodeanator's love of soda and push him into an explosion while he's off guard, etc.) but his colleagues are dangerously high levels of Stupid Evil that it not only thwarts his plans, but he's usually at the receiving end of his colleagues idiocy.
- Ascended Fanboy: He attempts to invoke this on people he gets beaten up by. Unfortunately, everyone he fights against are hyper-violent destroyers.
- Boisterous Weakling: Even moreso than Evil c00kin. He doesn't even attempt to fight, he just proclaims that his opponent doesn't scare him.
- Joke Character: He's laughably weak, he stands in one place as danger comes at him and whenever he's on screen, it's pretty much a Foregone Conclusion that he'll die.
- Too Dumb to Live: Who challenges someone way stronger than themselves to a fight to the death and not even fight?
- True Neutral: He's too weak to be any other alignment.
- And I Must Scream: What he invokes on people by turning them into toasters.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: He waits for people to notice that he's about to turn people into toasters.
- Chaotic Evil: He willingly turns people into toasters and enjoys it.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: It would explain why he constantly goes after people, despite regularly losing to them.
- Et Tu, Brute?: On the receiving end, thanks to Rampage.
- Mad Scientist: Subverted. He stole Luigi from a science fair, and Luigi's the one that builds the robots.
- Ax-Crazy: He was built with the specific purpose to destroy.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Of the villainous variety. He's loud, brash and will kill you if he so wanted.
- Bishōnen Line: His first form was a sentry bot from Fallout, his second was a gunhunter from Sonic, his current and final form is a gold soldier with a mask over his mouth.
- Catchphrase: COME AN' GET IT, MOOK
- Chaotic Evil: He would be lawful evil, had he not betrayed Roadrash.
- Expy: Of Cell. Both are blood-thirsty Laser Guided Tyke Bombs with a Bishōnen Line. The only difference being, Rampage doesn't care about how perfect he is.
- Killer Robot: Even moreso than Luigi and Jitters.
- Psycho Prototype: Inverted, he's a psychopathic finished product.
- The Starscream: The second he achieves his Bishōnen Line, he betrays Roadrash and fights Carol and Shywhoreg all by himself.
Underwater Checkbook Joey Thomas
- A God Am I: He has this general feel about him.
- Arch Nemesis Dad: To Chris.
- Ax-Crazy: Unlike his son, Chris, he's all about killing people.
You deserve no mercy.
- Blood Knight: As per his Always Chaotic Evil race tendencies.
- Chaotic Evil: He's on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge scheme because his son beat him in a fight. A fair fight.
- Disproportionate Retribution: He's on a quest to kill his son because he was beat by him in a fair fight.
- Hypocrite: He would've let his son live, had Chris not humbled him.
- The Power of Hate: It's how he went through his Training from Hell in record time.
- Training from Hell: Invoked this on himself so he can be stronger than the top three strongest (aside from UCJT, the top three are Chris, Gerardo and Carl Howard). And it payed off.
Cinder Block Chris comic protags and antags
Cinder Block Chris
- Adaptational Nice Guy: He's not as abrasive or aggressive or as much of a Knight Templar in the games than he is in the Gmod videos.
- Aliens Speaking English: Just like his Gmod counterpart, he is able to speak English.
- Amazon Chaser: The reason he starts pining after Ayame Watanabe the second he meets her.
- Badass Grandpa: Played with; Chris is 16 years old on his planet, though on earth he's 80.
- Berserk Button: Surprise attacking him sends him into a blind rage. It's what gets him inadvertently involved in the plot to begin with.
- Blood Knight: What he starts off as before he mellows out throughout the course of the comic.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: He sees nothing wrong with murder (even eating people) nor acts of violence, though ambushing seems to be a taboo to him. He's also a flippant Mood-Swinger, sometimes going from vicious to calm in a matter of seconds. Love at First Sight is also treated as normal for him, as his race was wired, both biologically and psychologically, for procreation.
- Boisterous Bruiser: A constant for him. He's quite the ham and he has his love for battle to match.
- Cain and Abel: With his brother, Llashot.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Due to being a newly arrived alien, Chris has no idea on how to act on Earth, he only knows how to act on his planet and how to act according to his ideas about Earth.
- Combat Pragmatist: Not at first, but during his time in the Medieval Fantasy dimension he was forced to become this to progress.
- Dragon-in-Chief: To Isabella Mal by the end of part one. Temporarily though, as he gets bored and quits.
- Expy: Design wise, he was based off of the Namekians, however his love for combat was based off of the Saiyans.
- Foil:
- To Pill Packet. Pill Packet is composed and has rather good publicity, whereas Chris is dramatic and tends to rub people the wrong way with his antics.
- To Ayame Watanabe. Both have similar honor bound codes of conduct for combat and are very proficient in what they do. However, Ayame Watanabe is stoic, reserved and professional, whereas Chris is capricious, eccentric and all over the place.
- To Gerardo. Chris is a Cloud Cuckoo Lander because he genuinely doesn't know how to act on Earth, with only (really far off) guesses on how it works. Gerardo, on the other hand, is completely insane.
- Heroic Neutral: He wandered into the plot by complete accident, ever since the cartel picked a fight with him.
- Hot-Blooded: He usually speaks in a raspy, screaming voice, no matter how he feels. And he's extremely passionate about wherever the plot takes him (most of the time).
- Idiot Hero: He isn't dumb on his home planet. In fact, on his home planet he's considered something of a genius. This falls flat on his head when he arrives to Earth with no prior knowledge of it, and because he's a fish out of water in this regard he can't help but act unintentionally goofy from time to time.
- Interspecies Romance: With Ayame by the end of the third part, though he had strong feelings about her since he met her.
- Lawful Neutral: His canon alignment for the same reasons as his Gmod counterpart.
- Love at First Punch: Played with. In his relationship with Ayame, he grows immediately attached to her after their first fight. Throughout the course of the comic, however, she does eventually warm up to him.
- No Indoor Voice: His voice is always gravelly and angry, even when he isn't.
- Only Sane Man: In some instances, he plays the bemused and slightly annoyed person to an otherwise chaotic and sometimes idiotic setting.
- Red Is Heroic: Chris wears a dark red jumpsuit to match his personality.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's generally the Red Oni to the rest of his teams blue, exceptions being Concrete Carol, Wheelchair Smooth and The Beast.
- True Companions: Chris gets along with his entire team, enough so that he considers them all friends. Even more so with Pill Packet, whom will remind people that he is Chris' numero uno compadre.
- White Sheep: Of his faction of his race. He's not interested in maiming or conquering, rather just having a friendly match. It was this attitude that got him exiled.
Isabella Mal
- Abusive Parents: Her father kept her locked up and shut off from the world in an attempt to Gaslight her into being an enforcer for him. When that failed, he decided to try and have her executed.
- Action Girl: Thanks to her fathers conditioning, she had become quite adept at killing people.
- Anti-Villain: She's still ruthless and she ends up running the mafia by the end of the first part, but her rule is far more benevolent than her fathers.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: It makes it easier for her to get along with Chris when he accidentally saves her from execution and has a heart to heart with her.
- The Comically Serious: She's initially very confused by Cinder Block Chris, though she inevitably gets used to his antics.
- Double Tap: Her preferred strategy while working with Cinder Block Chris, as she will shoot at anyone he takes down.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Unlike everyone else who is pretty expressive, she generally has one, depressed look.
- Emotionless Girl: Subverted, as it's a mask to help her cope with her late boyfriends death at the hands of her father.
- Expy: Of Giorno Giovanna and Trish from Vento Aureo.
- In the case of Giorno, they're reserved, even in the face of danger, they're both connected with a crime family of sorts, and they both strive to kill the leader of said crime family and usurp their position.
- In the case of Trish, they're both Emotionless Girls with an Archnemesis Dad, both of their dads are the leader of a crime family, and they both have a Hidden Heart of Gold.
- Klingon Promotion: After she has Cinder Block Chris kill her father, she takes his place as the leader of the cartel.
- Lawful Evil: Type 1. She has a code of morals that she abides by and she doesn't harm more people than necessary, but she's still a vicious criminal that uses the battle thirst of a warrior alien to her advantage.
- The Queenpin: What she becomes by the end of part one.
- Sociopathic Hero: A firm believer of "the ends justify the means" and is willing to use the hyperviolence of a warrior alien to get it.
- Villain Protagonist: The closest example of one out of anyone Chris has worked with. While she doesn't do anything unnecessarily evil, she strives to kill her father and take his place as the leader of his cartel.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: She believes she can run Mexico better than her father, though she isn't above murdering people to get to him.
Pill Packet
- The Ace: Even as a human (one of the lower-ranking species in terms of strength), he rivals Chris in terms of power.
- Berserk Button: Dissing both pills and packets. At best it really, and I quote, "disassembles his bicycle". At worst... watch yourself.
- Blue Is Heroic: His suit is a light blue, as well as his eyes.
- Cloud Cuckoolanders Minder: Along with Border Patrol Jack Maverik, GSD (Get's Shit Done), he shows Chris how Earth is really supposed to work, without bad examples like Gerardo.
- Combat Medic: He's the one who nursed Chris back to health after Chris' first run in with Ford. He also rivals Chris as most capable fighter.
- Combat Pragmatist: A lot of his basic moves involve him being at a distance.
- Deus ex Machina: Due to being unplayable, his role is to bust Chris and friends out of tight situations when they can't do it themselves.
- Good is Not Nice: Even though he views Chris as one of his friends, he's very aloof and doesn't actively show it often. He also doesn't trust or care about the rest of Chris' team.
- Hypercompetent Side Kick: Downplayed in that Chris does pull his own weight too. He's gotten Chris out of multiple jams, though due to his standing with Chris, he doesn't complain.
- The Lancer: He is Chris' most trusted ally.
- Masochist's Meal: His favorite drink is Cola, but with multiple pills in them.
- Rugged Scar: He has one across his cheek for accidentally dropping a really dangerous pill.
- True Neutral: His canon alignment. He's usually indifferent towards other people unless they show a strong enough opinion towards pills.
- World's Strongest Man: Even rivaling that of Cinder Block Chris, because while Chris is strong in his own right, Pill Packet has both fighting experience and basic common sense.
Mr. Smoothstar/Wheelchair Smooth
- Always Someone Better: A constant victim of this. Despite Wheelchair Smooth he'd have you believe.
- Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Wheelchair Smooth believes he is above even Pill Packet.
- Blood Knight: Like Chris, he enjoys fighting criminals. However, it isn't cultural like Chris, rather it's so people know his name. Not that he's any good at it.
- Chaotic Neutral: He isn't a vigilante for "truth" or "justice", but rather so that people know not to mess with him. That said, he isn't actively malevolent and he's had his fair share of Pet the Dog moments.
- Classical Anti-Hero: Ever since he got in a wheelchair (because he broke his legs mind you, and that they'd heal in a month's time if he didn't keep breaking them), he's become a complete failure as a vigilante, and is too arrogant to admit that.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Mr. Smoothstar, despite having broken legs, can stand up from his wheelchair briefly. This allows him to regain control from Wheelchair Smooth, as well as at least basic mobility and rational thought. Unfortunately, this doesn't last long as this alerts the ICU, prompting him to be dragged back to the hospital.
- Enemy Within: Mr. Smoothstar and Wheelchair Smooth have this relationship. Mr. Smoothstar hates that he becomes an arrogant idiot the minute he ends up in a wheelchair, and Wheelchair Smooth believes that there can be only one.
- Expy: Mr. Smoothstar is a more arrogant Scott Pilgrim. They're both nerdy NEETs who live with people who is better than them with an energetic disposition.
- Foil: To each other. Mr. Smoothstar is, while a low ranking vigilante, an adept fighter. He's also capable of strategizing, reason and basic human decency. While he still doesn't get along with Ayame Watanabe, he's capable of cooperating. Wheelchair Smooth... isn't.
- Shock and Awe: He uses a bunch of tasers (whether they're taser guns, taser fists or regular tasers).
- Split Personality: Mr. Smoothstar, ever since he ended up in a wheelchair, developed another personality called Wheelchair Smooth. Much to his dismay.
- Vigilante Man: A rather low ranking one, however.
Ayame Watanabe
- Action Girl: She's involved in numerous bounties, most of which are implied as dangerous, is one of the most skilled in her entire village and is a master tactician.
- All Asians Know Martial Arts: She's from an alternate universe Japan and she claims to have come from a far off village that studies martial arts.
- Ambiguously Human: She definitely looks human, but she comes from the same universe as Paladin Danse.
- Artistic License – Martial Arts: She's called "Karate Chick" by people who don't know her name, but she does a bunch of martial arts looking moves, a la Asian martial arts movie protags.
- Awesomeness by Analysis: She can analyze her opponents weaknesses as she continues to fight with them. This makes her more adaptable as she goes on, sometimes even changing her strategies outright.
- Badass Normal: What makes her stand out from Pillpacket or Border Patrol Jack Maverik, GSD, is that not only can she hold her own in brute strength alone, but is a masterful tactician that operates under Awesomeness by Analysis.
- Bounty Hunter: Her job description. She was assigned to take out Chris before he won her over, too.
- Cute Bruiser: Shortest of the team, noticeably girly (in all but emotion), can kick serious ass.
- Defeat Means Friendship: After defeating her, Chris gives her a spot on his team. After a while, they end up more than just friends.
- Deadpan Snarker: Heavy on the deadpan, rather light on the snarker. However, she does assume Chris and Carol start to like each other due to their, ahem, similar intellects.
- The Dreaded: Due to the reputation she's built up by the time Chris meets her, her bounties are usually afraid of her and tend to surrender effective immediately when they realize she's their bounty hunter.
- Everyone Calls Her "Barkeep": Everyone calls her "Karate Chick" due to her not revealing her name ever.
- Expy: She was created with Samus in mind, except as an actual bounty hunter.
- Face of a Thug: Before Chris' fight with her in the wrestling ring, the commentators called her a "woman with a yakuza face". However, after her fight and subsequent joining of Chris' team, she proves to be a dependable teammate.
- The Fettered: She's been reported to straight up not do a bounty if it seems unfair to her (like if her bounty was an old man, which according to her, happens more frequently than she'd like).
- Interspecies Romance: With Chris at the end of the game.
- Nature Lover: As evidenced by her gi (which is covered in flowers), she takes up botany on her downtime whenever she's not on an assignment.
- The Stoic: She emotes a total of twice throughout the whole game, once when she's about to be defeated by Gerardo and another time when she smiles at Chris.
- True Neutral: Her canon alignment. While she has her own rules and standards, at the end of the day, she just does her job.
Concrete Carol
- Ax-Crazy: Downplayed. She's (loosely) on the side of good, but has no qualms about consuming random people for strength. Her fighting style is also noticeably more feral than the rest of her companions.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason she starts to follow Chris is that he freed her from containment under the false belief she was an alien held captive.
- The Blank: All of her "facial features" are just dents in her humanoid formation.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: For the same reasons as her Gmod counterpart.
- Chaotic Neutral: Her canon alignment. While she does indulge in numerous acts of violence, she doesn't mean any malice from it and tries (and, understandably, fails) to make up for them.
- Classical Anti-Hero: Due to being one of the dumbest on the team, she is prone to making numerous errors at best and Obliviously Evil actions at worst.
- Dumb Muscle: Part of the reason for her Blue-and-Orange Morality. She's noticeably less intelligent than the rest of her teammates are, even The Beast.
- Entertainingly Wrong: Due to Chris' biology being similar to that of a slugs and a humans, plus his bio-electricity, Concrete Carol believes Chris is a slug, a human and an electric eel at the same time.
- Expy: She was created with Kid Buu in mind, though she's noticeably kinder than him.
- Flawed Prototype: Played With. While she isn't the prototype, Chris had freed her before her programming was finished, leaving her with less-than-average intelligence and numerous glitches.
- Happily Adopted: In the ending, Carol lives with Chris and Ayame Watanabe as their de facto daughter.
- Psycho Prototype: For the same reasons as her Flawed Prototype entry. Due to her being unfinished, she acts on unstable emotions and instinct.
- Starfish Robots: She's a mass of Grey Goo that takes on the form of a human woman. Her chemical compound is closer to that of wet cement.
- Uncanny Valley: All her attempts at looking human are horribly flawed (i.e. disproportional sizes, jerky movement, etc.), and it doesn't help that she's The Blank.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: In a flawed T-1000 kind of way.
Border Patrol Officer Jack Maverik, GSD
- The Ace: Not to the extent of Pill Packet, but he's held his own many times before (even against Chris).
- Almighty Janitor: Despite being one of the strongest on Earth, he's the assistant to a fat, lazy, racist and unnamed Border Patrol Officer.
- All-Powerful Bystander: Before Gerardo pulls him into the main conflict, Jack has just remained at the border station that Chris found him in.
- Beleaguered Assistant: To the unnamed fat cop for most of the time. However, once Gerardo and his cronies are out of the picture, he gives the same fat cop a taste of his own medicine.
- By-the-Book Cop: It's what keeps him on Gerardo's side until the third act.
- The Casanova: Despite being a Beleaguered Assistant to an unnamed fat border patrol officer, he still has no trouble with the ladies. However, this consistent bombardment wears him down before the actual fights between him and Chris. Not that he's any pushover either way.
- Cloud Cuckoolanders Minder: In the third act he keeps Chris in line while Pill Packet teaches him how Earth actually works.
- Deadpan Snarker: He's generally very sardonic and indifferent towards Chris, really only keeping him in line so that no more damage is done.
- Evil Counterpart: Initially to Pill Packet. Both are inexplicably strong despite only being human, very charismatic and rather laid back. He does undergo a Heel–Face Turn, however.
- Genre Savvy: He knows what Pill Packet is capable of and he decides to try and avoid him at all costs.
- Heel–Face Revolving Door: Somewhat. He stays neutral throughout Cinder Block Chris 1 and 2, but through acts 1 and 2 of Cinder Block Chris 3, he becomes an active threat under Gerardo's orders and by the third act he sees through Gerardo's facade and sides with Chris.
- Klingon Promotion: Sort of. When Gerardo is out of the picture, as well as his cronies, Jack runs for president in the re-election of a president and wins.
- Lawful Neutral: He stays at the border patrol station he was at before Gerardo pulls him into the main conflict with the reward of a promotion. After Jack finds out about Gerardo's true intentions he sides with Chris.
- 0% Approval Rating: Unlike Llashot, who has the respect of his minions, Master Douglas, who not only had minions of his own, but won over the fantasy team that resides in his home dimension, Paladin Danse who at least had her team (before Chris killed them) and Gerardo who has a mass of followers, Ford is widely known as a douche by everyone who has met him.
- The Assimilator: He eats people to absorb their strengths, as well as some other genetic advantages.
- Bloodbath Villain Origin: Ford, prior to being stuck in the background, murdered the scientists who made him and stole the lead scientists name.
- Dirty Coward: The reason he's moved to the sidelines is because he can't bring himself to fight Chris again and lose. He'll never outright admit it, however.
- Stalker Without A Crush: What he's become after his and Chris' rematch.
- Affably Evil: Downplayed. He isn't outwardly polite, but when Chris had freed him from his prison he had offered him a high ranking place in his army, unaware of what his brother is like.
- Benevolent Boss: Not out of any actual kindness, mind you. He just figures that it's easier to control your minions when they actually like you.
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Cinder Block Chris' Abel.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Like his base inspiration, he wipes out all life on underdeveloped planets and sells them off to the highest bidder.
- Expy: Of Cooler, being the more responsible and stoic one to contrast his siblings more loud and less reserved personality. He was also made with Vergil in mind, being The Stoic with a Cain and Abel relationship with his more bombastic brother. He also has a Teleport Spam.
- Karma Houdini: He never dies, unlike the other two villains. See Know When to Fold 'Em below.
- Karma Houdini Warranty: When he comes back to try his hand at wiping out life on Earth again, he's bested by Cinder Block Chris finally, and this is after he sends a bunch of annoying, useless Mooks to his ship.
- Know When to Fold 'Em: The reason why he lives, unlike Ford or Gerardo. Whenever his brother has him on the ropes, he teleports away, eventually leaving Earth all together.
- The Sociopath: He's a high functioning example. Despite his inability to feel emotion or empathy for anyone other than himself, he doesn't seem to need a constant need for stimulation and he runs a successful empire.
- The Stoic: Deconstructed. The reason he doesn't display any emotion is because he can't feel emotion.
- Teleport Spam: Thanks to the technology he stole from other planets, he has the ability to teleport. This allows him to dodge attacks and flee the scene when needed.
- The Ace: Villainous example. Aside from his combat prowess, he was charismatic enough to get elected into office and was able to unify the entire planet.
- Ambiguously Human: He looks humanoid, but his several One-Winged Angel forms would suggest otherwise.
- Ax-Crazy: Exaggerated. His reason for wanting to kill everyone is because a bus made him late once.
- Bad Boss: Downplayed. He routinely harasses his lesser minions, but he gets along swimmingly with The Wal-Martyrs and Chef Luciani VII, The Enjoyment Obstructor and Pete Sprayman.
- Beware the Silly Ones: Beneath his childish and goofy personality lies an incredible fighter.
- Big Bad: He's the main threat that Chris needs to defeat.
- The Bully: His goal aside, he acts like a petty bully towards his lesser minions, failed assassins and even regular citizens. It's a wonder why anyone voted him for president.
- Chaotic Evil: His canon alignment. He borders on Chaotic Stupid, though.
- Confusion Fu: How he defeated Chris at first. He was too hard to read for Chris or his team.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He considers his Co-Dragons, cousin and The Wal-Martyrs actual friends, and promises to bring them along with him to destroy other worlds with him. In his final moments, he thinks about how he met them and belts out smiling.
- Expy: Design wise he resembles Sephiroth (save for the green medieval suit and cowboy hat), motive wise however, he's a parody of Zamasu. He even has a similar template to Frieza, due to both being Psychopathic Man Children while having delusions of elegance, the leader of a planet (Earth for Gerardo, some unknown planet for Frieza), and even a similar Sorting Algorithm of Evil (Big Bad, Co-Dragons, Quirky Miniboss Squad, Mooks).
- Freudian Excuse: Parodied. His motive, as stated above, was because a bus made him late to something.
- Knight Templar: As per being a Zamasu parody, he, for some reason, believes he's doing the right thing by killing everyone. He never elaborates as to why he thinks it's the right thing, however.
- Omnicidal Maniac: His ultimate goal is to wipe the universe of life, because a bus made him late to a professional cheese tasting convention.
- President Evil: He was somehow elected into office.
- The Sociopath: Zig-Zagged. His narcissism and violent tendencies, coupled with his Jerkass tendencies check out, but he has an odd sort of kinship with his Co-Dragons, and had promised them power once Earth is destroyed.
- Almighty Janitor: Despite the fact that she has magic on her side, she's a manager of a convenience store. Her Boss Subtitles lampshade this by asking "Why does she even work here?"
- Anti-Villain: The only reason she's the final boss in Mr. Smoothstar's game is that she's closer to the goal than he is. Other than that, she isn't an active malignant force or villainous in any way.
- Arrogant Kung-Fu Girl: An odd case; she's actually very skilled and a force to be reckoned with. However, she tends to drastically underestimate her opponents (read Mr. Smoothstar) which tends to lead to her downfall. She wises up later on, however.
- Dating Cat Woman: The culmination of hers and Mr. Smoothstars rivalry turns into the two dating.
- Deadpan Snarker: She never takes Mr. Smoothstar seriously, and tends to act very condescending towards him. Until they start dating, that is.
- Magical Girlfriend: To Mr. Smoothstar by the end of the second game.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Whenever she uses her magic, her eyes glow red. She admits in the second game that it's just for show.
- Scary Black Woman: Until the end of the second game, of course.
Ken Blast!
- The Ace: He is, after all, the top vigilante in the world.
- Always Someone Better: Compare him (top ranked vigilante in the world, relatively successful otherwise) to Mr. Smoothstar (low ranked vigilante, NEET). A victim of this also, in comparison to Pillpacket.
- An Arm and a Leg: As per being a Gene Expy, he loses his arms in his first serious fight against "The Father". He gets his limbs replaced with holy prosthetic ones thanks to Jesus Christ (Of Nazareth), serving as conduits for holy power.
- Brother–Sister Team: With his younger sister, Cherry. At least until Ken Blast! lost his arms.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: His house is a boat, claims he's from Antarctica, he also assumes Mr. Smoothstars name is "Butt Jones". It's also implied he's the top vigilante in the world by accident.
- Combat Pragmatist: He actually averts this, seeing as he actually doesn't need to be a pragmatist. He's just that good. However...
- Confusion Fu: A lot of his moves have to do with rather...unconventional methods (i.e. throwing himself at peoples feet, running away to charge up an attack, etc.).
- Expy: A lot of his moves are similar to that of Gene and Viewtiful Joe. Some of his mannerisms and eventual defeat are also based on Boatswains
- Foil:
- To Mr. Smoothstar. While they're both confident in their skills, equally as excitable and nerdy, Ken Blast! is actually strong and has a (relatively) stable job outside of being a vigilante, whereas Mr. Smoothstar is more confident in his pragmatism than anything else, and, as stated numerous times, is a NEET.
- To Jazz, Mr. Smoothstar's first rival. While they're both skilled, Jazz underestimated Mr. Smoothstar and resorted to using only two moves, leading to her downfall, whereas Ken Blast! overestimates him and goes all out, and Mr. Smoothstar is only able to win due to having slightly more stamina than him.
- Good Is Not Soft: Despite being a vigilante for actually selfless reasons, he's almost too violent about it.
- Genki Guy: He is very excitable. If you were to lose to him he'd extend his arm towards you to try and help you up and go "Hey, c'mon! I was rootin' for ya!"
- Insistent Terminology: He legally put that exclamation mark in his name.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Going off of his Good Is Not Soft entry, his Boss Subtitles also read "Pretty cool guy once you actually talk to him".
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: He's a big fan of doing this to criminals and/or Mr. Smoothstar.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The hard-to-read, 138% Red Oni to Stronk Monkey's calculating, Cherry's snarky and Short Circuit's pacifistic Blue Oni. However, he also plays the Blue Oni to Nathalie's even harder to read Red Oni.
- SNK Boss: He is the only boss to juggle Mr. Smoothstar in the air and not have pauses in between making moves. Not to mention his hydro storm...
- Tuckerization: A lot of his personality and mannerisms are based on Admiral Trainstorm's
- Victory by Endurance:
- A victim of this. The only reason Mr. Smoothstar wins is that Ken Blast! passes out due to dehydration.
- Uses this to his advantage against Nathalie.
Burgs attempts at making Complete Monsters (spoilers removed)
"Onin"/Evil Chris
An Eldritch Abomination that takes the form of Cinder Block Chris after his fight with Gerardo, Onin seeks to revive the now-extinct race of Inmids (Cinder Block Chris race people) and mold them into perfect servants.- Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Played with. While he is arrogant, he doesn't waste time messing with his opponents and uses very straight forward attacks rather than flashy techniques.
- Awesomeness by Analysis: He found out about Cinder Block Chris after his fight with Gerardo. Ever since then, he's studied his techniques and what made him the one to be the guy to do in Gerardo.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: A lot of his moves are designed to disable his opponents in the most painful way.
- Expy: His Shapeshifter Default Form looks an awful lot like Lavos, and his end goal the same.
- Knight of Cerebus: His arrival marks the Darkest Hour for Cinder Block Chris and his team.
- Leitmotif: Unlike everyone else who has a flashy theme to play along side them, loud wind accompanies him wherever he goes.
- Nothing Is Scarier: His Leitmotif follows this rule.
- The Stoic: He hardly ever emotes, though this is also due to the same reason as Llashot.
A pedophilic ghost in an upcoming Alternate Reality Game who's hunting down the protag's sister.- Adult Fear: His character runs on this trope; Imagine, if you will, a pedophilic ghost endlessly hunting down your sister and the only way you can protect her is by deciphering clues left by a Greater-Scope Paragon.
- Bald of Evil: His mugshot shows he's clearly bald.
- Better to Die than Be Killed: The reason he's dead to begin with. He killed himself and his first and only victim during a police raid.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Implied. He tends to put a lot of effort into seeming creepy and unsettling.
- Dirty Coward: See Better to Die than Be Killed above.
- Fat Bastard/Slouch of Villainy: In the games left behind by Kevin's ghost his sprite is identified by a pale figure with a noticeable gut and slouch.
- Leitmotif: Everything associated with him has a loop of Alabama Song playing note .
- Only One Name: Eric's last name is omitted in his report.
- Smug Smiler: Implied. He leaves little smiles on his cryptic notes.
Ken Blast! comic characters (excluding the title character)
Stronk Monkey
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: He wears a bowtie, and sometimes glasses.
- All Drummers Are Animals: Played with. While he's literally an animal, he's actually the most level headed in Ken Blast!'s band (second most if you count the actually robotic Short Circuit).
- Anti-Hero: Type 3 or Type 4. He's even less reserved about settling things with violence than Ken Blast! is, not to mention his Where I Was Born and Razed entry.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: Downplayed. Due to him and his family being genetically modified and raised in a lab, he's aware of basic human standards and culture, but he retains some primate standards (i.e. considering eye contact and smiling a form of aggression).
- Deadpan Snarker: Most shown in his interactions with Ken Blast! or Nathalie. However, his snarkiness becomes more venomous and sour with the likes of Eve.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Stronk Monkey isn't his real name, and he isn't so thrilled that everyone keeps calling him that.
- Expy: Of Donkey Kong design-wise.
- Everyone Has Standards: He was very disgusted with what Eve did to Ken Blast! and continues to hold that against her.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: To his surrogate younger sisters. See Where I Was Born and Razed below.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's really fast for his size, and he has the strength to back it up. He was able to knock out Ken Blast! cold with their first fight.
- Perpetual Frowner: Though sometimes he will grin because he knows it's a sign of enjoyment (to humans at least).
- No Holds Barred Beat Down: His preferred fighting style. He makes sure his opponent does not get back up.
- Screaming Warrior: When he does fight seriously, he delves into chimp-like screaming.
- Slasher Smile: It should be noted that when he does smile, it's because he's livid.
- Unknown Rival: Played with. While Eve knows Stronk Monkey, she doesn't know he hates her. Not for lack of trying, mind you.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Ken Blast! frequently get into fist fights, but they're arguably good-natured brawls and they both frequently qualify as Bash Brothers.
- Where I Was Born and Razed: Rare heroic example. After having had enough of the scientists abusing two child apes he had grown to see as family, he went on a murderous rampage against them. He did not let a single one get away.
Short Circuit
- Berserk Button: He hates being treated as less for being a robot. However, it's more like a Tranquil Fury Button, as he only tends to pacify them by tasing them.
- Cute Machines: He's a generally happy robot that enjoys playing the synth for Ken Blast!'s band.
- Deadly Euphemism: A fan of this trope. He tends to use "pacify" over "tasing people" and "blacklist" over "enemies".
- Everyone Has Standards: Like Stronk Monkey, he's also disgusted with Eve. So much so, he has her "blacklisted". She's the only one he has blacklisted (only alive one, at least).
- Expy: Of Robotic Operating Buddy design wise. Personality wise, however, he leans closer to Android 16.
- Foil: Though they have never met, he is one to Concrete Carol. Both were created by Mad Scientists as a means to create an ultimate weapon. However, Short Circuit has a more simplistic design though he's more intelligent, whereas Concrete Carol is made up of shape-shifting nanobots though she's...not. Short Circuit is a Martial Pacifist, whereas Concrete Carol is hyperviolent.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: If he must, he has a built in arsenal of energy weapons, most of which employ this trope.
- I Am Not a Gun: The reason he even met Ken Blast! to begin with. He was created by a Big Bad Wannabe Mad Scientist who tried to make him a weapon. He didn't like that, so he turned against him. Viciously.
- Martial Pacifist: Despite being designed to be a weapon, Short Circuit refrains from going into most major conflicts.
- Bash Brothers: She used to be this with Ken Blast!. Until his arms got blown off, that is.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Redhead to Nathalie's Brunette and Eve's Blonde.
- Blood Knight: A former one. She decided to back out when her brother lost his arms.
- Deadpan Snarker: Generally whenever Ken Blast! does something especially stupid.
- Fiery Redhead: What she used to be before she backed out of fighting.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: She's the Responsible Sibling to Ken Blast!'s Foolish Sibling (considering she, to start, didn't get her name legally changed just so she could put an exclamation mark at the end).
- Unfazed Everyman: Female variant. She's not at all fazed by a talking ape or a synth-playing robot. While you can chalk this up to the fact that she lives in a world where aliens and people like Gerardo are the norm, she's only surprised when she meets Nathalie.
- Arc Villain: Of the first arc. She shows up at a party that Ken Blast! is at to fight him for virtually no reason.
- Anti-Villain: Type 4. She's not actively malicious, she's just looking for people to fight, and as of late, Ken Blast! has made a name for himself.
- Bash Brothers: Becomes a trio with Ken Blast! and Stronk Monkey after her arc.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She seems to think the only way you can meet people is by picking fights with them.
- Confusion Fu: Even moreso than Ken Blast!. Her fighting style consists of her launching herself at her opponents, tripping them, psyching them out with different moves, etc.
- Fastball Special: Her Signature Move. She's able to do this to herself.
- Genki Girl: She seems even more excitable than Ken Blast!, making him seem tame by comparison.
- Outside-Context Problem: It's established pretty early on that Ken Blast! usually fights other bands and criminals, so everyone is taken for a loop when the first antagonist is just some spaz that wanted to hang out.
- Socially Awkward Hero: Played with. She has no issue talking with people, but she thinks the only way to make lasting friends is by fighting them. Her only lasting friend by the end of her arc is Ken Blast!.
- 24-Hour Armor: He sports shiny, chrome armor always.
- All Caps: His name stands out as one of two that are in all caps.
- Ax-Crazy: As his name states, he's out to cause as much harm as possible, starting his own mosh pits at his own shows.
- The Berserker: MAXIMUM PAIN AND BODILY HARM JONES very frequently indulges in acts of violence.
- Blood Knight: Of the villainous variety. He will attack anyone out of very minimal provocation.
- Boisterous Bruiser: No Indoor Voice? Check. Nigh insatiable bloodlust? Check.
- Closet Geek: Implied. He has a set of 20 sided die that he throws at people from time to time as projectiles.
- Darth Vader Clone: Played with. He's first and foremost a Doctor Doom clone, but, considering both Doom and Vader precede him, he also counts as a Vader clone. Though, what separates him from both of them is that he's more overtly wrathful than internally, and he doesn't wear a helmet.
- Determinator: One of the reasons he doesn't get flattened by Ken Blast! like almost everyone else.
- Evil Virtues: Determination. Once he's in a fight with someone he will refuse to back down until one of them is dead.
- Expy: Of Jimbo
, mainly. Though his attire draws influence from Doctor Doom.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: He will attack anyone for any reason ranging from getting mixed up in a fight to someone simply being in his airspace.
- Metalhead: He's the lead singer of a metal band named "MAXIMUM PAIN AND BODILY HARM JONES".
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Other than the fact that his attire resembles that of Doctor Doom, his facial appearance is based off that of Denzel Curry.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: He's either known as "MAXIMUM PAIN AND BODILY HARM JONES" or "JONES", both of which come from his band name.
- Red Is Violent: His text is characterized by the fact that it's red.
- Scary Black Man: An even more straight forward example than Jazz in that he's actually Ax-Crazy.