Describe bubblesishot46853 here.
Hi, I'm bubblesishot46853, but you can call me Layne. You might know me from Youtube or deviantArt, but I'm making my TV Tropes debut here!
Some of my favorite characters in media are Bubbles, Erika, Maylene, Bianca, Georgia (Pokemon), Viridi and Phosphora.
Tropes that describe me:
- Author Appeal: In his art and literature, expect a girl to be barefoot at one point.
- Berserk Button: Do not insult any of his favorite characters in front of him. You will regret it.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: Unless a subject really interests him.
- Embarrassing First Name: Jordan.
- Hates Being Touched: Unless given special permission.
- I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham: Usually hates something before trying it, especially when it comes to food.
- Ignore the Fanservice: He is disgusted by both male and female genitalia. This doesn't apply to female feet, however.
- Jerkass: If you get on his bad side.
- Kick Them While They Are Down: In battle, he will do this to ensure victory.
- Laser Sword: His beam katana.
- Nerd: ESPECIALLY on his hobbies.
- The Perfectionist: Tries to do most things perfectly.
- Sir Swearsalot: An interesting example. He only swears a lot when he's angry, and there are several swears he would never say.
- The Scrappy: Has very few, but some major offenders include Blossom, Iris, Cameron (Pokemon), and Jasper Batt Jr.
- Viewers in Mourning: Whenever a favorite character of his dies, loses a battle, or outright fails horribly at any task, it's bound to be a Tear Jerker for him. Because of this, he treats fictional characters as more important than real life people.
Still a work in progress.