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Tropers / Bruhhhhhh

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It’s been quite a long time since I last edited this page, over two years or so probably. So let’s get this little article started off right!

Greetings. I originally started this by calling myself a person, and I’m happy to say that I am still a sapient being. I’d say that I’ve gone on some epic adventure that explains why my activity on TV Tropes has been so scant, but such an adventure has not occurred. What I have returned with, however, is a growing list of media that I’m interested in, as well as a trope or two about me. So, without further ado…

Just as a warning, I’m still getting used to the format of this website again, so this may be a little rough. Or very rough, since I’m struggling with making a folder. No need to fret; I can work it out myself, I’m sure. Until then, I’ll just list stuff in alphabetical order.

Media that I like:
