Hello, I am a sheep. Baa. I am a sheep. I lurk this place since 2009 or so. Oh boy I love not being good at editing. This page is my Tropers page that means it is my sandbox hooray!
I am an idiot, and may or may not be an idiot. I am also a sheep, and in a way I am mentally ill.
Here you go, have some tropes about me.
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Tropes hooray!
- Chaotic Good: Character Alignments are not real, but I like to say that I'm this.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: I am made of this.
- Colon Three: I can do this in real life. People who see it are often like 'Holy sweet Jesus how do you do that?!'
- Deadpan Snarker: Just like everyone on TV Tropes.
- Genre Savvy: Just like everyone on TV Tropes.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: But not always right.
- Ice-Cream Koan: If I don't say at least two things like these on a day, the day is a bad day. Okay, I don't do it that often, but I still like to do this.
- The Mad Hatter: I have a slight personality disorder, but I prefer calling myself mentally ill. It's just that much more fun that way.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: I have at least three hundred voices and apparently they're all good. It's something to be proud of.
- Nice Guy: It's nice to be nice!
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Both on the internet and in real life, I am mostly known as Sheep or something with 'Sheep' in it. Quite a few people in real life don't know my real name and just call me Sheep, and almost no one on the internet knows my real name.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: Just like everyone on TV Tropes.
- Lazy Bum: Baaa.
- Self-Deprecation: Because I am an idiot.
- The Stoic: I was this once. Now I am the super happy fun sheep I am now.
Others can think tropy about me, too!
- Empty folder oh no! If you want to add a trope, feel free to remove this!
Extra, extra, read all about it! It's vandalism!
Vandalism in a folder
- I am a vandal on my own page oh no!