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Tropers / Broken Chaos

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Tropes embodied
CSS modifications
Other modifications
Security vulnerability
Left the wiki
Jack of all (geeky) trades, master of none.

I know enough about nearly any geeky/nerdy topic you can name to hold a basic conversation – or to be interested when it's discussed, at least – but there are few things I consider myself to excel in. Most of those are computer-related or law-related, though I'm not professionally trained in either.

I float around here and there. I don't always endear myself to other tropers, but please try to assume good faith. If something I say bothers you, feel free to question me (in private where appropriate) about my intentions.

Wiki Magic is welcome to contribute tropes that apply to me. (I've been shuffling through lists and adding ones for fun. They're not exact, but all at least somewhat representative of me.)

This entity is an example of:


Useful CSS snips for making the wiki look pretty follow. I recommend using these on a per-site basis only (i.e., only on TV Tropes) through either something like GlimmerBlocker (or any other content-rewriting proxy) or @-moz-document (Gecko engine only in userContent.css).

Spoiler colour/hi-light
This makes spoilers hi-light much better than default, providing a black background on white text only when hi-lighted. It also provides better colour for links in a spoiler when hi-lighted (so they're visible).

Code for CSS3 standard (Webkit – Safari, Chrome, etc.):

span.spoiler::selection, span.spoiler *::selection, span.supersecret::selection, span.supersecret *::selection { 
color: #fff;
background: #000;
span.spoiler a.twikilink::selection, span.supersecret a.twikilink::selection {
color: #6495ed;
span.spoiler a.createlink::selection, span.supersecret a.createlink::selection {
color: #ed9564;

Code for Mozilla non-standard (Gecko – Firefox, Camino, etc.):

span.spoiler::-moz-selection, span.spoiler *::-moz-selection, span.supersecret::-moz-selection, span.supersecret *::-moz-selection { 
color: #fff;
background: #000;
span.spoiler a.twikilink::-moz-selection, span.supersecret a.twikilink::-moz-selection {
color: #6495ed;
span.spoiler a.createlink::-moz-selection, span.supersecret a.createlink::-moz-selection {
color: #ed9564;

Spoiler redlink hover
Spoilers that contain a redlink will have that text 'light up' on hover (mouseover). This fixes that, so it stays white all the time. Works best with the above selection/colour fixes.


span.spoiler a.createlink:hover, span.supersecretspoiler a.createlink:hover { 
color: #fff;

Line height readability
Optimal readability for line heights (amount of space above/below a line of text) is around 1.5:1 (150% of the text size, 25% each above and below). This adjusts that spacing up to approximately optimal.


body { 
line-height: 1.5em;

Top border on spoilers
I prefer a four-bordered spoiler appearance (dotted on all sides) to better denote a spoiler.


span.spoiler { 
border-top: 1px dotted gray;

Content rewrites:

These are more complex rules, similar to the above CSS fixes. These can only be done with something like GlimmerBlocker or Greasemonkey. I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to get them working, if you're going to try. (These are not printed in monospace since that breaks page widths – some of the replaces are huge, so I recommend copying/pasting to examine them further.)

Remove excess linebreaks
There's a huge number of linebreaks (<br />) on almost every page near the end. These can be safely (from my experience) removed and replaced with a proper clear:both div.

Code (for GlimmerBlocker):

replace(/<br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/>/, "<div style=\"clear:both\">");

Code (generic regular expression):

s/<br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/><br\/>/<div style="clear:both"><\/div>/


<div style="clear:both">

Fix preview display
The preview (when editing) looks nothing like a normal page. This is due to missing an id tag on one of the divs (and then a few other changes are needed to not break the preview in other ways).

Code (for GlimmerBlocker):

replace(/div.preview_pane\{text-align:left;width:1024px;margin: 0 auto;border:1px solid silver;padding:4px; \}/, "div.preview_pane{text-align:left !important;width:1024px !important;margin: 0 auto !important;border:1px solid silver !important;padding:4px !important; }");
replace(/<div class="preview_pane rounded">/, "<div id=\"wikibody\" class=\"preview_pane rounded\">");

Code (generic regular expression):

s/div.preview_pane\{text-align:left;width:1024px;margin: 0 auto;border:1px solid silver;padding:4px; \}/div.preview_pane{text-align:left !important;width:1024px !important;margin: 0 auto !important;border:1px solid silver !important;padding:4px !important; }/
s/<div class="preview_pane rounded">/<div id="wikibody" class="preview_pane rounded">/


div.preview_pane{text-align:left;width:1024px;margin: 0 auto;border:1px solid silver;padding:4px; }
div.preview_pane{text-align:left !important;width:1024px !important;margin: 0 auto !important;border:1px solid silver !important;padding:4px !important; }

<div class="preview_pane rounded">
<div id="wikibody" class="preview_pane rounded">


There is no check on the author handle when editing a wiki article. Anyone can 'spoof' being any other troper. Always do IP checks to determine who someone is or isn't.


In the unlikely event someone wants/needs to find me, use this e-mail address: removed — anyone who wanted it should have it by now. Might be back some day, but… It's not likely, unless certain mindsets/situations change.
