Been around since... I dunno, maybe a year or two. I'm not one to be known on websites, but if it happens, then it does. I'm 20-year-old nonbinary NEET and I'm hoping to become a video game developer/animator/whatever.
I can be nice. I guess. Generally.
If I listed my tastes, the list would go on for a while. And I can't think of everything off the top of my head. I can list what Tropes I fall under, though.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: ...A lot.
- Berserk Button: You don't EVER insult my friends. I also would punch anyone for a bigoted remark.
- Birds of a Feather: Most of my friends share the same interests as me.
- Cuteness Proximity / Cuteness Overload: If I see something adorable
- Does Not Like Spam: I don't like a lot of vegetables.
- Face of a Thug: I have bushy hair, a short, thick beard, and dark circles around my eyes, PLUS I'm big and tall. But I'm a nice guy. As long as you don't piss me off.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: I come off as this.
- Fandom: In a lot of them, and I feel ashamed of being in some of them.
- Guilt Complex: A BIG problem of mine. However, it hasn't been as strong as it used to be.
- Only Sane Man: Sometimes...
- Not So Above It All: ...sometimes...
- Original Character: I have a LOT of these. However, though they're part of my own canon, I can make Fan Fic and they'll probably be the main characters...