I'm Brass Buttons, and I'm Nifty.
This troper provides examples of:
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Somewhat knowledgeable on the subject. Also, squirrel!
- Cool Loser: Self-percieved, anyways.
- Cuteness Proximity: Averted, as he once tried to teach algebra to a five year old.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Of some sort.
- Does Not Like Spam: Does not like pickles on his plate when he orders a sandwich.
- Drink Order: Milk, like a Badass.
- Friend to All Children
- Grew a Spine: Happened at some point.
- Ignore the Fanservice: Does this when he's busy or distracted.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: On his worse days.
- Man Hug: Enjoys man hugs.
- Mood-Swinger
- Nerd Glasses: Wears a pair.
- Nerves of Steel: At times.
- Nervous Wreck: Still a neurotic mess, though.
- Put on a Bus: During high school. The bus trip...not pleasant.
- Reformed, but Rejected: Frequently happened.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Possesses the necessary vocabulary to communicate in prolix terminology for the capacity of garrulous communication. Uses this when explaining things.
- Sophisticated as Hell: At times.
- The Xenophile: Celebrates diference.
- Trademark Favorite Food: A well-made grilled cheese.