“You can be the Duchess with wisdom and authority. People come to you for advice and foresight, and if they don’t listen to you, they will be fucked over.”
Ama is an ethical, maternal, witty, whimsical, sensitive, stubborn, romantic, impatient, anxious and passionate Canadian 22-year-old female. She loves to write, likes to watch cartoons / anime, read, and believes that a cup of tea solves emotional crisis (sometimes.) Don't worry, she'll find a way to make you smile! (No, really. She's adorable. You just wait and see.)
Tropes By Bottlerose ABOUT Bottlerose
- Adorkable: She loves stuffed animals, animated movies, fangirls over strangers (let alone close loved ones and fictional characters) and pulls a Shrinking Violet here and there. Lapses over with The Cutie, for all intents and purposes.
- Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Has several shades of this.
- Apologizes a Lot
- Beware the Nice Ones:
- Big Sister Instinct / Mama Bear: Towards everyone she is close to. She is highly protective of them, but also lectures them when they could have done something differently, regardless of their age or position in her life.
- Big Sister Mentor
- Brainy Brunette
- Broken Bird: She’s more than a little messed up, but most would be hard-pressed to actually call her “broken”. Using the word to describe her counts as a Berserk Button.
- Brutal Honesty
- Buffy Speak: Courtesy of Pecanjelly, Gilmore Girls, Youtube and… TVTropes!
- Character Tics: Biting her bottom lip and putting her hair into a ponytail if there is work to be done or if she’s about to eat. Also, clapping.
- The Chick: She is encouraging, boostering teamwork and fairness, and coaxes others to realize You Are Better Than You Think You Are.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Unsurprising, given her insecurity.
- The Cutie: Has shades of - no, screw it, just possesses this trope.
- Deadpan Snarker: When she's bored, she becomes impatient, sarcastic and lazy.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Determinator: Her internal dialogue is often something akin to: "What? No, this can't be going to shit. I refuse to accept this. Reality cannot possibly be this lame. I won't let that happen. No. Ok, Amanda, switch gears. Now."
- Dude Magnet: Lampshaded frequently.
- The Fettered: Lives by a strong set of morals, values, ideals and beliefs. Always believes in doing the right thing.
- Genki Girl: Outgoing and outspoken.
- Girl Next Door: She’s very easy to talk to. She grew up as One of the Guys and remains a Plucky Girl.
- Girly Girl
- Guile Heroine: Oh so much.
- The Heart: Lampshaded. She is the glue that holds people together, and has a talent for bringing them together as well. Her deep love of people, her desire to help them through her own experiences, and her childhood dream (to have a family of her own, specifically being a Mom, as far back as Kindergarten) cement her in this role.
- Self-Deprecation: Ama has massive insecurities, a Guilt Complex, and is very easily influenced by others.
- Horrible Judge of Character
- Hopeless with Tech: Also hopeless with anything concerning the left side of her brain. Really.
- The Idealist: Hopeful, optimistic, and willing to turn any situation (even the most horrifying) into something positive. Naturally, this can cross over with Wide-Eyed Idealist.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- I Just Want to Be Free
- Inferiority Superiority Complex
- Living Emotional Crutch: Her friends lampshade the trope by name to her in real life enough for this to be valid.
- Long Hair Is Feminine: Her long, curly hair is a practically a trademark.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch Facade: She is self-absorbed, at times overconfident and even sarcastic. However, one of her traits that best reflects a lack of social understanding is that she will use these flaws as a front, allowing people to believe the worst of her, when she thinks it is necessary, whether or not it actually IS necessary.
- Manipulative Bitch: At her worst, she invokes this ruthlessly. Could be considered the darkest part of her.
- The Mentor
- Morality Pet: Fills this role with more than one person.
- Mood-Swinger: Unhealthily so.
- Ms. Imagination
- Nature Lover: Her favourite place is the forest; she keeps a garden, collects rocks, and has a strong love of the stars. Getting overly excited over watching the sun rise/set shouldn’t be unexpected, either.
- Nice Girl: Kind, friendly, compassionate and helpful.
- The Pollyanna: Optimistic and positive no matter the circumstances
- Red Oni: Passionate, impatient, impulsive, enthusiastic and people-oriented.
- The Reliable One: Subverted. She is always there for a friend or someone in need, but is still a forgetful sort of person.
- Silk Hiding Steel: The first trope used by a friend to describe her true self, beyond her disorder.
- Stepford Smiler: Ama’s has a bad case of this for her entire life.
- Team Mom: THIS. TROPE. (Another one lampshaded by her friends, and probably the most appropriate.)
- Tough Love: She is impatient. Sooner or later, even Ama will say “I can’t do everything for you!” and will leave you to your own devices.
- Abusive Parents: Meddling Parents, among other things.
- Black Sheep: Or White Sheep, depending on the viewer.
- Cool Uncle: Has several.
- A Friend in Need: Doesn't let her friends down.
- Childhood Friends
- Family of Choice: Often mistaken for The Power of Friendship.
- The Only One I Can Trust: Pecanjelly. She is Ama's sole support, when it comes to her bipolar disorder and life in general, due to her understanding, insightful and brutally honest nature. Considering Amanda's trust issues, this says a lot about Larissa's character.
- Opposites Attract: Is drawn to more down-to-earth, practical, quiet or artistic individuals.
- Platonic Life-Partners: With Pecanjelly again. This has been discussed at length.
- True Companions: Played for reality. She has a group of them, they know of each other / went to school together, but are not close in and of themselves.
Love And Sexuality
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Invoked. Disliked.
- Childhood Friend Romance: Her Heart Will Go On.
- Crush Blush: Horribly!
- Destructive Romance: Always.
- Her Boyfriend's Jacket: Key to her heart.
- I Can Change My Beloved
- In Love with Love
- Power of Trust: Needs this, first and foremost, as many do.
Values And Ideals
- Code of Honor: Obviously not as intense as fictional examples. Almost every action in her life has to adhere to her personal views on respect, compassion, strength, purpose, commitment, ownership, etc. This is a very intricate part of who she is.
- Be Yourself: A driving force in her life.
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Just Like Us: To be edited.
- Love Redeems: Sometimes.
- Powerof Love: Known for this, perhaps more than anything.
- Screw Destiny
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!
- Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers!
- Sudden Principled Stand: At least concerning her own life and other people's lives. Nothing large-scale. Eventually she reaches a point where her tolerance, patience, ability to comfort or submit to someone (or allow others do to do) breaks, and she will barrel in, a motivational speech in toe. Often involves a What the Hell, Hero?.
Tropes About Bottlerose (Added By Others)
- Badass: Overlaps with Badass Adorable. She seems to become a new woman in these moments.
- Covert Pervert: Can come at you out of nowhere.
- Girlfriend in Canada: Subverted. She had a puppy love relationship with an online friend growing up, who lives in Australia, while she lives in Canada. His friends teased him about it for years. Upon seeing her for the first time over Skype, his big sister said: "Well, she's definitely not an old man."
- Hyper-Awareness: When she pays attention, her memory is amazing.
- Iron Woobie
- Romance Genre Heroines: The Free-Spirit, with shades of The Nurturer.
- The Tease: THE TEASE.