Greetings, fellow tropers, from the Great White North! I'm pretty terrible at describing myself, so I'll just put forward a bunch of works that I like and tropes that (I think) describe me... in third person!
Tropes that describe me
- Afraid of Needles
- Apologizes a Lot
- Big Eater
- Butt-Monkey: Occasionally wonders if the universe itself is plotting against him.
- Calling Your Attacks: A huge fan of this.
- Character Tic: Way too many. One that's noticeable is he often closes or covers his left eye for some reason.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Deadpan Snarker: A lite version of one.
- Genre Savvy
- Incredibly Lame Fun
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Will whip these out without warning. No hesitation.
- Large Ham: Has instances of these, along with Hot-Blooded.
- Marshmallow Hell: Has experienced this.
- Neutral Good: Has shades of Lawful Good and Chaotic Good, too.
- Non-Action Guy: Will respond with an Oh, Crap! in most situations.
- Unless things get really serious, then he will Take a Level in Badass and do what he needs to do.
- Shrinking Violet: Male example.
- Sixth Ranger: Put him on any team, and will end up like this, with shades of The Big Guy.
- The Quiet One: Most of the time, anyways.
- Unlucky Everydude
Works That I Like
Anime and Manga
- Back To The Future
- Breakfast Club
- Dr Strangelove
- Ferris Buellers Day Off
- Fight Club
- Indiana Jones
- Monty Python
- Saving Private Ryan
- Star Wars
- The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Video Games
- Audiosurf
- Banjo Kazooie
- Baten Kaitos
- Castlevania
- Chrono Trigger
- Dragon Quest
- Earth Bound
- Mother3
- Final Fantasy
- Grandia
- Lufia
- Mega Man
- Pokemon
- Skies Of Arcadia
- Suikoden
- Super Mario Brothers
- Tales Series
- The Legend Of Zelda
- Ys