Hi there. I'm Bomberman121890. I'm a recent Troper, but I've been able to help with a few articles here. I'm not going to say which since there is obviously No Such Thing As Notability. I really enjoy reading up on whatever I can, and if I find something wrong, you can count on me to help fix it. I mostly help to fix grammatical issues, but if there's a major continuity error, you can give me a call to fix it. Other than main tropes and work pages, I tend to add my own to any Wild Mass Guessing pages.
Outside of Tv Tropes, I am a writer and an athlete. I write a lot of original poetry, and you can see me at One Mic, a monthly open-mic poetry night at Ad Astra Books and Coffeehouse In Salina, Kansas. It's hosted on the third Friday of every month at seven PM.
As for my athletic record, I play tennis on my high school men's team, and I am in marching band. However, do NOT say that marching band isn't a sport in my presence, because it is, in fact, a sport.
Lastly, never let it be said that I would not use twenty words where only a few words would be necessary.
As a regular cast member of Real Life, these tropes apply to me:
- Ambiguously Bi: You'll never find out...
- Archer Archetype: Very fond of the bow and arrow.
- Badass Baritone: A literal variant, since I am a classically trained operatic baritone.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: On occasion.
- Berserk Button: Do not imply that marching is easy or not a real sport
- Bilingual Bonus: Fluent in Classical Greek and actively learning Japanese.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: I may act nice on the outside, I'm really heartless and cruel.
- Camp Straight: I may be flamboyant and fabulous, but nobody will ever know where I stand.
- Cultured Badass: Classically trained in music, poetry, fencing, and archery.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: The glasses I wear are useful for hiding my true intentions and disdain for people around me.
- Gratuitous Greek: Averted. I'm fluent in Classical and New Testament Greek.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Very quick to anger. It doesn't take much to piss me off.
- Insistent Terminology: Marching band is absolutely a sport. Never try to convince me otherwise.
- Megane: Known to wear a pair of glasses. It goes well with the suit.
- Motor Mouth: My brain and mouth both rub a million miles a minute.
- Must Have Caffeine: A variant in that I don't drink coffee, but have a reliance on tea.
- Riddle for the Ages: Am I a gay man, or just very Camp Straight? Nobody will ever find out
- Self-Deprecation: Literally all of my humor. I'm a loser after all.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: combined with Motor Mouth at times.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Known to wear a suit for arbitrary reasons. I own several and am often the only person on campus in suit.
- Smart People Play Chess: I used to be tournament- level, but have not kept up with the sport in a few years.
- Soul-Sucking Retail Job: Where I spend most of my time.
- Sublime Rhymes On A Dime: At times.
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion. In addition to the above, I also twist the rhyme when I don't have the patience.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Philly cheesesteak sandwiches.
- Warrior Poet: Skilled in fencing, archery, and poetry.