I'm 17, I'm young and I'm restless, I have only one life to live and I'm going to follow my guiding light and seach for a place where I can be bold and beautiful as the world turns.
I absolutely don't watch soap opearas.
I'm goofy, easy-going, loopy girl with big dreams and little holding me back.
In the grand scheme of things life is short but it's the longest thing we'll ever experience and dammit I'm going to enjoy my time.
I try not to be judgemental of others but of course I am only human so sometimes it gets away from me.
I love you and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Unless you killed me. Nope not even death can kill my love for (wo)mankind.
Future philosopher? Maybe. Professor Duncan of African American Studies Possibly. World renowned poet/author? One of these days babe. Die-hard political reporter? Where there's a will there's a way. UN Peace Keeper? Can you say Palestine-Israeli peace treaty? Checkout girl at Wal-Mart? If I'm not careful.
Keep on keeping on. That's the only guarantee I'm comfortable guaranteeing
My Life was ruined late November 2009.
This Troper is Obsessed With:
- Jimi Hendrix: I'm a bit worried if this surprises you
- Aerosmith: Particularly Steven Tyler. He's so dreamy in an over 50 way
- Total Drama Island: The first season only.
- The Big C
- Hey Arnold
- The Color Purple: As in the movie
- Pirate Radio
- The Runaways: The 70's Band
- Daria
- Fahrenheit 451: School Study Media at it's finest!
- American Dad
- Othello: Saw it live at the Hanna Theather. Amazing
- The Princess And The Frog: First black Disney. Loved her.
- Anything and everything by Langston Hughes
- King Of The Hill
- That 70's Show
- Fan Fiction.Net
- Adventure Time
- The Daily Show
- The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: This post is now diamonds
- India Arie: Provide much needed Wiki Magic
Bold as Love Provides Examples Of:
- Afraid of Needles: This troper avoids needles at all costs.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Surprisingly I'm far less angstly about it than I thought I should be.
- All Women Are Lustful
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Compassionate, odd-ball, Smart Guy with a love of life that those I love love or a Ted Baxter that needs a total reality check. That's up to you to decide.
- Apologises a Lot
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: This troper can oh so barely focus on anything
- Big Applesauce: Someday
- Bi The Way
- Black and Nerdy: And damn proud!
- Born in the Wrong Century: Quite frankly I should have been around for Woodstock.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: I should be doing school work. I'm not. I'm widely considered one of the smartest kids in my grade.
- But Not Too Black: Heavily averted.
- Buttmonkey: A vertern of middle school bullying (and to a lesser extenet high school) I've learned that everyone handles these thing differently
- Cake Eater: Whoa boy. This troper's taste does not decimate against age. However laws do hold me back.
- Catchphrase: "Un-uh! What you think this? The Hell?"
- Character Development: Also know as growing up
- Chivalrous Pervert
- CloudCuckoolander
- Coming of Age Story: So far
- Crazy Awesome: So I've been told
- This troper was hair stylist ninja from 2012 in 2010 for Halloween
- Egregious: This was one of my SAT vocabulary words. I freaking burst a nut with excitement
- The Fashionista: Although I'm not into brand names or expensive clothing I am fashion obsessed
- Flower In Her Hair: No afro is complete without 'em
- Good Feels Good: I love to voluteer my massive amount of time
- Memetic Mutation: Calling someone a failure at this troper's school has taken on this status
- Plucky Office Girl: Somewhat jusitfied since I'm an unpaid student worker but still...
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: The fact I'm a Troper says enough. The fact I'm adding tropes to my personal page says even more.
- Sassy Black Woman: Somewhat but not a straight example
- Self-Deprecation: Well I am from cleveland
- Sophisticated as Hell
- What, Exactly, Is His Job?: At this troper's CWSP job she basically does nothing.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: This troper's dream is to have the several jobs as mentation above
- Currently I appear in nearly every (non-sport) after school activity at my tiny high school.
- Younger Than They Look: This troper wishes the world would acknowledge that she is 16 not 21.
You Like Me! You Really Like Me! Or Not. Tell me anyways.:
- Looks like I'm your first; the 2nd time is going to be way better. I hear you're a fan of Hendrix, we should rant about him sometime. — Kino
- You sound awesome. And you're a fan of Aerosmith? <3 — Compassionate Sadist
- A fellow Hendrix and Aerosmith fan. All you gotta do is mentiion you like the Stones and you're me. Cheers to that. —Juancarlos11
- Er.. I can't remember the context of why you vandalised my page? Did you mean some one else? wellinever
- You sound incredibly awesome. I too have an unhealthy Hendrix obsession and was born in the wrong decade! —peachvodka
- You look familiar...maybe I'm just going nuts, but I think I've seen you at my college...confirm/deny? *Hides quickly* ~Blake Diamond