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Tropers / Bohemian Bob 43

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Hi, fellow tropers! I'm Bohemian Bob 43, coming to you from the land down under, Australia. Huge fan of film, literature, animation and gaming. I enjoy writing and use this site to assist me when needed.

Tropes that describe me:

  • Ambiguous Disorder: I may or may not be on the autism spectrum, according to an old doctor's note.
  • Apologises a Lot: I do tend to say sorry quite a bit if I think I did something wrong, even if it wasn't even that bad. Inanimate objects are not exempt.
  • Berserk Button: Jerkasses and bullies in general.
  • Bi The Way: I rate a solid 2 on the Kinsey Scale.
  • Character Tics: I click and tap things a lot. I also have a habit of sticking my tongue out when in deep concentration.
  • Deadpan Snarker: I can be this is in response to some people around me but I usually do it in a non malicious way.
  • I know Jiu Jitsu
  • Little Known Facts: I love sharing them with people who are interested.
  • The Movie Buff: One of the things I enjoy is watching movies.
  • Nice Guy: Nothing I love more than seeing folks happy. Feel free to drop a message sometime if you ever want to talk about something!
  • Proud to Be a Geek: Hell yeah.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Admittedly, I am a banshee when I really get scared.
  • Unusual Euphemism: In high school, I used to use "Oh Boy George" as an exclamation.

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