I am bobpiecheese. Also known as the_conqueror_of_parodies on AmiRight. Also also known as Tha-C on DeviantArt
. Also also also known as Sethery to my friends IRL, Choppy to my Dad, Seth to anyone else, and a variety of insults by my younger brother Jabez (aka Fathead).
Me likee Transformers, song parodies, song mashups, music that isn't country (though I'm not a big fan of metal), British comedy eg Red Dwarf, Young Ones and Blackadder, stand-up comedy (in particular Eddie Izzard and Bill Bailey, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember.
I like to think of myself as the least likely person to claim that something is ruined FOREVER!!1. When I don't think of myself as a spastic moron who is inexplicably considered awesome by some people, that is
I is Australian, and I hate the common Australian stereotype, particularly that bloody accent.
...and I'm out.