Bob is one of the many contributors for this wiki.
"Bob" is in fact not his real life but he liked the name from its use in the 1989 Batman movie.
He's fond of referring to himself in third person including a link to this page, like this: "Bob" but this has largely reached the point of Informed Ability outside of non-formal pages... He does use This Troper occasionally.
He's fond of using spoiler markers where he considers them needed (but only where they are considered needed. There is such a thing as going overboard). He's a science fiction fan. He thinks that Enders Game is the best science fiction book he has ever read. Yes, that includes The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy and Dune. Okay, he never thought it would happen, but somehow, Joe Haldeman's The Forever War manages to top Enders Game.
He's been nominated for a Made Of Win a number of times but he's not keeping track anymore.
The following tropes are more or less Truth in Television for him:
- Aloof Big Brother: Inverted. He is the older brother and the trope fits his younger brother.
- But, on the other hand, it's could also apply to his older brother...
- Backstory: Over two decades of it.
- Blind Without 'Em: More like vision-impaired without em to be honest.
- Dropped Glasses: Occasionally, but they've only been stepped on once. In a further subversion: they didn't break.
- Emo Teen: He went through a Nietzsche Wannabe phase in his early teens. Then he grew up and now he considers all "life-has-no-meaning-and-everything-is-pointless" philosophy bullshit.
- Entry Pimp: He's likely to link The Sith Lords Restoration Project
when people complain about Knights Of The Old Republic II.
- Everything's Better With Bob
- Dangerous 16th Birthday: Successfully averted.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Literally. I'm right handed.
- Ordinary High-School Student: Completely ordinary.
- Periphery Demographic: Bob is a fan of several Shoujo anime series.
- Subbing Versus Dubbing: Subbing.
- Theme Naming: Bob and his siblings all have six-letter names from The Bible.
- TV Tropes Ruined Your Life. To be precise, spoiling the Avatar The Last Airbender season 2 finale.
- I shall have my revenge on this wiki and its editors.
- Well, not really. I mean, you guys did introduce me to Avatar The Last Airbender in the first place. And Noir. And Code Geass. And Shakugan No Shana... Fine, we'll call it even. I won't take my revenge on anyone. Except for Seth. You Know What You Did.
- I shall have my revenge on this wiki and its editors.
- The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Being a science fiction fan, he's very fond of setting up fights where different science fiction civilizations square off against each other. He'll spare you the details of his opinions.