A twenty-something chick who just couldn't stand not adding her own examples any longer and got into the game.
Pages I've created:
- Clive Barkers Undying
- Rebel Leader
- Necromancer (or at least 99% of it)
- The Stool Pigeon
- Moral Dilemma
- Robo Family
... And oh god I've ideas for more. Help meeeee!
Pages I've contributed to a lot:
- Megaman X
- Dark Corners Of The Earth
- And, uh, lots more
The Tropes I love:
- White-Haired Pretty Boy - I know it's an overdone trope, I know, but they're my damn Fetish Fuel.
- The Straight Will And Grace - Proof that just because a man and woman are very important to one another, that doesn't always mean they're in love or 'obviously' together.
- Armor Piercing Slap - Because these will never stop being awesome.
- Anime Hair
- Die for Our Ship - This is number one for a reason. Fandom would be much, much more tolerable if people didn't want to char-boil you for daring to like another pairing or pointing out their OTP is possibly (or even outright) not canon.
- Ship-to-Ship Combat - Same as above
- Loners Are Freaks - Because if you don't have heaps of BFF or constantly chase after boys, you're a freak, right?
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong - Like the above trope, I hate it when shows tell kids how they're 'supposed' to socialise.
- Green Aesop - Only if they're unsubtle, in your face, biased or didn't do the research. Which is 99% of the time.
- Epiphany Therapy - I.E, bad writing.
- Anvilicious - Noooo! *smushed*
- Littlest Cancer Patient - Like Cleolinda says, my heartstring, it is not tugged.
- Draco in Leather Pants - Girls, it's okay to like a guy who's totally evil or a jerk. You don't need to make excuses or pretty him up. Really, it's okay!
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses - Do you guys need to brush up on your feminism again?