Blossom Morphine is a scholar of the useless and trivial. She is Proud to Be a Geek and spends much of her time in an Archive Binge, quitely adding to various articles on various wikis, and is always happy to partake in a rousing debate or general chatter. Will probably be a Absent-Minded Professor someday, if she doesn't end up an Evil Overlord.
She is a fan of Star Trek, The Wheel of Time series, Heroes, and various science-fiction and fantasy series. Her passion is history and politics, and will lecture to (read: at) you for hours on end if you let her, her mind wandering from presidents to Fire Fly. And she will expect you to be able to remember and pick up the conversation a month, even a year later, but she will hardly remember to make dinner or what day it is.
She does not know where these rumors she is apart of a cabal comes from, but would like to assure you they are Blatant Lies and there is no cabal.
Feel free to pm her, or leave a message at the bottom of the page.
Tropes that apply to Blossom
- Brainy Brunette
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander
- Covert Pervert
- Evil Laugh: (She's known amongst friends for it)
- Genre Savvy: (But then who isn't here?)
- Kink Meme: (She's the mod of [The Other Trek Kink Meme
, for Star Trek Enterprise, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Star Trek The Next Generation, and Star Trek Voyager.)
- Kuu Dere
- Heart Symbol: (Often signs off her messages with: <3 or ♥)
- Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls: (Her master list, if you are interested
- Mega Nekko
- Not a Morning Person
- Proud to Be a Geek
- True Neutral
- Twofer Token Minority: (Hispanic and atheist.)
- Serial Tweaker: Although, she's getting better.
- Yaoi Fan Girl: (A few of her ships are het, but most are slash.)
Pages that Blossom has written up
- Panic At The Disco
- Cobra Starship
- Emily Dickinson (Because it's Emily freaking Dickinson, people!)
Pages that Blossom created for
- Red Dragon (a request made for separate article from Silence Of The Lambs)
- The WMG pages for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Enterprise (because that's where those theories should go)
- Zombies (How Did We Miss This One?)
Pages that Blossom provided the page image
- Candlelit Bath
- Day of the Jackboot
- Eli Roth
- Foe Yay: Comic Books and Doctor Who
- Good Witch Versus Bad Witch
- Nuclear Family
- [[Ptitles0j0al3c P!nk]]
- You Are in Command Now
Pages Blossom contributes to regularly
... perhaps Freud Was Right? :|
Please leave a name and message after the heading. *beep*
Now for a word from our future overlord fellow Troper [1].