Tropes that apply to me:
- Afraid of Needles
- Bad Liar
- Berserk Button—Don't ever tell me I should have gotten a Mac. I don't want a Mac, and if all Mac users are as snobby as you I really don't think I want to count myself among them.
- Blood Knight—In some ways. I'm always looking for ways to challenge myself and I love a good bout of sparring whether verbal or physical, but like it a lot better when it's friendly.
- Dead Guy Junior—My middle name, anyway.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genre Savvy—I can almost always predict what is going to happen in a movie or TV show, even if I have never seen it before. One of my major criteria for the goodness of a work is its ability to surprise me.
- Hates Being Touched
- If It's You, It's Okay—This is actually the way attraction in general seems to work for me...
- Older Than They Look—By about 10 years or so.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
Tropes that I love:
- Affably Evil—More villains really ought to learn that this works in their favor.
- Combat Pragmatist—I have nothing against showing honor to an opponent who upholds the same standards, but on the whole, lives should come first.
- Dangerously Genre-Savvy—David Xanatos = Best Villain Ever.
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Gender Bender—Quite possibly a kink.
- Happily Adopted
- Heterosexual Life-Partners
- Like Brother and Sister
- Odd Friendship
- Platonic Life-Partners
- Shown Their Work
- Stable Time Loop—I've just always thought that these were really neat.
Tropes that I hate:
- A-Cup Angst
- Author Tract—Works that contain social commentary ought to make people think, not attempt to browbeat them into thinking like you. What's more, if a work starts beating me over the head with its message I'll be inclined to start taking the other side regardless of what that message was.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Did Not Do The Research
- Die for Our Ship
- Draco in Leather Pants
- For the Evulz—Seriously, give your villain a motive. The only case where I've ever seen this done well is with Gargoyles's Thailog, and even he had a motive for wanting to act evil for evil's sake.
- Hard Work Hardly Works—I'm looking at you, Dragon Ball Z.
- Honor Before Reason—If the only thing at stake is a tournament trophy, that's one thing, but if lives other than your own hinge on you winning a battle, you don't fuck around.
- I Can Change Him—No, ladies, you can't. He's the only one who can change him. What's more, a complete psychopath isn't a really good person inside who just needs some love, he's a complete psychopath who if he needs anything needs some therapy, hopefully accompanied by being locked away where he can't hurt other people.
- Idiot Ball
- Rape as Comedy, and any and all forms of Double Standard Rape. I reserve a particular loathing for Double Standard: Rape, Divine on Mortal.
- Romantic Plot Tumor—The idea a lot of writers seem to have that every story has to have a romantic subplot in order to appeal to a wider audience gets extremely tiresome after awhile.
- Ron the Death Eater
- Science Is Bad
- Status Quo Is God
- Viewers Are Morons
- Villain Ball—I think that heroes should save the day on their own merits, rather than because the villain did something inexcusably stupid.
- Yo Yo Plot Point
My Mileage Varies On:
- Gender Bender (in fanfic)—If the point is to explore What Could Have Been if Alex had been born Alice, I'm all for it. If it's just because the author thought Alex and Bob would make a good couple but ew that would be gay!... No. If you don't have the guts to write a slash pairing, you shouldn't be writing the pairing to begin with.
- Interspecies Romance—Depending on how... compatible... the species are. I ship Elisa/Goliath like mad, but in cases where the differences go too far, then it's all Fridge Horror, Body Horror, and Squick for me.
- Mister Seahorse—I only like this one if it's Played for Laughs. Taken seriously or portrayed as romantic, it's just squicky.
Tropes that I've written:
- After-Action Healing Drama
- Anger Born of Worry
- Complete Monster
- Darker and Edgier
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Freud Was Right
- He Will Not Cry, so I Cry for Him—Funnily enough, I didn't even know this was a trope until some weeks afterward.
- Mirthless Laughter
- Orphean Rescue
- Scars are Forever
- Stay with Me Until I Die
- Strawman Has a Point—What can I say, even characters that I originally intended to be the Strawman tend to take on a life of their own.