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Main Characters
James Donahue
Heather Donahue's younger brother. He has hope that his sister is still alive due to a video of a woman running through Rustin Parr's house (Later it's revealed that the woman is Lisa). He takes his friends Lisa, Peter, Ashley, as well as the two locals who uploaded the video, out into the woods. However, things only get worse as the Blair Witch attacks them.
Tropes that apply to James Donahue:
- Adaptational Name Change: Well, sequel name change, anyway. His original name was Randall "Randy" Donahue, but was changed to James in the sequel for some reason.
- Audience Surrogate: He serves as this, as he's a newcomer to Blair Witch lore.
- Call-Back: His apology to Lisa is very similar to Heather's apology to Mike and Joshua's families.
- Composite Character: He's a combination of Heather and Mike, having some of Heather's scenes and character traits (Having an apology scene, being a newcomer to Blair Witch lore, and seeing someone stand in the corner) and being the second-to-last to die, like Mike.
- Heroic BSoD: Twice. Has a complete breakdown when he learns that Lane and Talia faked the Blair Witch's effigees, and he tearfully apologizes to Lisa after they're stuck in the attic.