Blade Tiger is a 20-something fellow in Toronto who spends his spare time playing video games, watching anime, sewing costumes, and ruining his life. He is currently in college for computer programming, and would like to one day program video games. His dream is to create a video game that subverts as many tropes as it is possible to subvert in one work.
Tends not to stick to any specific trope domain, rather just continuously clicks "random trope" and adds examples where he can think of them.
This Troper provides examples of the following:
- Buffy Speak
- Catchphrase ("I'm reasonably sure that (obvious conclusion)..." and "I will murder you in the face.")
- Cosplay Otaku Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dropped A Bridget On Him (His lack of facial hair and overabundance of head-al hair has thrown people off.)
- Facepalm (To the extent that his friends compliment him on his skillful facepalming, sighing, and headdesking.)
- Flat "What"
- Furry Fandom (To a minor extent.)
- Hammerspace Hair
- Important Haircut (Inverted. This troper became a lot more social and adventurous after he stopped having his hair cut.)
- Kuudere
- Mr. Imagination
- Nightmare Fetishist (Not a literal example, but he has a great fondness for the Nightmare Fuel (Unleaded) and Paranoia Fuel pages.)
- Proud to Be a Geek
- Psmith Psyndrome (Unlike Spell My Name with an S, however, he's not fussy about the pronunciation.)
- Straight Arrow
- Spell My Name with an S (It's Alastair. Not Alister, or Aleister, or Alastor, or Alistair.)