Hi! My name is Ben Anderson. I'm 29 years old and currently live in Norman, Oklahoma. I'm a massive nerd and belong to a number of fandoms, so this website is kind of a holy grail for me.
Tropes that apply to me:
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: I have ADD, so yeah, this is me.
- Big Eater: Which is probably why I weigh 280 pounds.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Unfortunately this can apply to me at times. You don't wanna push me too far.
- Character Development: When I was a teenager and in my early 20's, I was quieter and a lot more shy and reserved. Now that I'm 29, I've become a lot more outgoing.
- Cloud Cuckoolander: I'm autistic and have ADD, so I can be like this at times.
- Deadpan Snarker: At times.
- Friend to All Children: I love children. Many people who know me can attest to how good I am with kids.
- Nice Guy: I try to go out of my way to be a nice guy, and I like to think I succeed most of the time.
- Proud to Be a Geek: Absolutely!
- Pungeon Master: All the time. I make many bad puns. I have a particularly tearable one about a piece of paper...see what I mean?
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: I try to go out of my way to be idealistic.