British troper born in 1988, and was Time Person of the Year 2006.
This Troper provides examples of:
- So Bad Its Horrible: Music - My taste in music careers wildly between fairly listenable artists and the kind of music that could be used as a kind of torture. Quoth my sister:
That isn't even music... it's noises! ... made by aliens.
- Old Media Are Evil
- Failed a Spot Check - Never ask me to look for anything. Ever.
- Archive Binge - I'll end up doing this with most of the webcomics I read, even with a few that don't warrant it. I've also been known to end up trawling through That Other Wiki, as This
XKCD strip shows.
- Gateway Series - I'm blaming you all for my ever-growing addiction to anime. That's right, all of you.
- Shrinking Violet - Apart from being the wrong gender, I fit this trope almost exactly.
- Prophetic Name - Hi, I'm Bisyss. Guess what I figured about 6 months after I chose my username?