You need to know nothing about me.
Except that I am an average troper, who is obsessed with Anime & Manga. I am extremely lazy, yet intelligent, and have a small obsession with various geeky things. Also, I am currently a student in High School, but that is subject to change. I'm looking forward to the aliens, time travelers, and espers that await me. In the meantime, I'll just be patrolling the internet, watching anime and playing games. Hope to see you around!
Works I have taken interest in:
- Angel Beats (NEEDS SEASON TWO!)
- Another
- Argento Soma
- The Big O
- Black Rock Shooter
- Chobits <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Code Geass
- Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Death Note
- Dishonored <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Dungeons and Dragons
- The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- The Final Fantasy series <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Future Diary
- Various works by Studio Gainax, such as
- Neon Genesis Evangelion <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Rebuild of Evangelion <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (NEEDS SEASON TWO!)
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- Neon Genesis Evangelion <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- The Harry Potter series
- The Kingdom Hearts series
- Various works by Kyoto Animation, such as
- CLANNAD ~After Story~ <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Kanon
- Lucky Star <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mythology and Religion <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Various works by Nippon Ichi Software, such as
- The Disgaea Series <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Zettai Hero Project: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- One ~To the Radiant Season~
- Various works by Paradox Interactive, such as
- Crusader Kings <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Europa Universalis <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Project Shrine Maiden <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!! Eventually!
- Scribblenauts
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Various works by Studio Shaft, such as
- Bakemonogatari <-!!PLAN TO WATCH!!
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- The Shin Megami Tensei series
- Devil Survivor 2 <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Persona 3: FES <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Persona 4 Golden <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne
- Slaves to Armok: God of Blood: Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress: Histories of Greed and Hard Work
- Team Fortress 2
- The Works of William Shakespeare <-!!PLAN TO FINISH!!
- Badass: More like I Just Want to Be Badass.
- Blow You Away: His element according to the Four-Temperament Ensemble.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: Intelligent, but too lazy to do anything with it.
- Character Alignment:Has taken some quizzes on this:
- Chaotic Neutral: According to this test
- Chaotic Good: What BioBen9250 believes himself more likely to be.
- Neutral Good: According to this test
- Chaotic Neutral: According to this test
- Chaste Teens
- Cloud Cuckoolander: To an extent.
- Crazy Awesome: What he wishes he was.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Tryer calls him Fencepost-chan.
- The Fool
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Fun Personified
- Genius Ditz: Can be quite ditzy at times, but is actually fairly intelligent.
- Growing Up Sucks: It really does.
- Ho Yay: Invoked for laughs.
- The Idealist
- I Just Want to Be Badass
- I Just Want to Be Special
- Muggles
- Omniglot: Although it is not an excessively large amount, Ben does speak a few languages:
- Ordinary High-School Student
- Otaku
- Power Trio: With Tryer and Auraknight0226
- Comic Trio: Best fits as the one who blindly follows orders, though the position varies at times.
- Spoony Bard: Also according to this quiz.
- Shipping: His friends like to ship him with Auraknight0226.
- Everyone Can See It: Including the shipmates
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Continued to claim this for a bit.
- Official Couple: With Auraknight0226
- According Tryer, this is debatable.