A short, worry-prone Troper. Mostly hangs around Western Animation, but can also be found elsewhere. RL girlfriend of Turtleducks— check out our joint project, The Modestly Interesting Adventures Of Hammond Cheese.
Tropes that apply to Big Blue
- Butch Lesbian
- Bi The Way
- Erudite Stoner (until very recently)
- Does Not Like Men (it's... complicated.)
- Tender Tears / Water Works
- Friend to All Children
- Cloudcuckoolander (this is probably a troping prerequisite...)
- Sophisticated as Hell
- Buffy Speak (note to self: think before you speak)
- Closer to Earth (hem, hem...)
- Cuteness Proximity
- Ambiguously Brown (my granpa's native, see...)
- Sweet Tooth
- The Napoleon
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Yuri Fangirl
- Yaoi Fangirl
- The Pesci
- Boobs Of Steel
- The Klutz
Raping your childhood memories since 2007...