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Tropers / Bep

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I say IDK a lot but trust me i be knowin

AKA: planet Jane, Burgundy Queen, Mo The Show, Mojave Music, Superglobe, Blixty Slycat, Spain Sun, El The Daze, and on, and on, and on. You get the picture.

Hoo boy, where to start. I'm Jane (almost no one calls me Bep. I in fact stole the username from someone else on another site, sorry Beprepper!), usually planet Jane, planet JANE, or planet J.A.N.E. depending on whether I feel like hanging with capital letters and/or dots on that particular day. I'm a troper from Pennsylvania who currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. I'm a transwoman, musician, occasional livestreamer, writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and general confused layabout. I'm in my 20s, but it's impolite to ask a lady her age, you know?

I've been using TVTropes on and off for...jeez about a decade now, and I joined the forums initially in 2009. If you'll permit me to indulge in my "end of Blade Runner" voice, I've seen a lot of things go down over the years, The IJBM subforum being deleted, the legendary Google Incident that lead to all the NSFW pages being purged. I actually was not around for Fast Eddie's departure (may he shut shit down in peace), as I was indisposed at the time. Which, yeah, I was banned at one point back in about 2012 and reverted to more or less just being a wiki lurker for a good five years. So my time here has not been continuous! Still, I always wanted to say that Blixty Slycat would come back, and here I am. If you're an old friend or acquaintance I haven't talked to in a while feel free to drop me a line, I don't bite and I've mellowed out significantly over the years. I also met my girlfriend here! But she doesn't use the site anymore, alas.

     Jane around the net 

graffiti goes here
some caption text
