If you look closely
You'll find "Benthelame"
Is a truthful and yet Nonindicative Name.
But there's much more to me
Than this handle I bear
Take a look if you'd like
Not quite sure if you care
Tropes that contribute to my undeniable awesomeness include but are by no means limited to:
- Awesomeness Withdrawal: These hit very hard when it comes to me.
- Gotta Get Your Head Together: My go to gesture when amazed or upset.
- High-Functioning Autism
- Rhymes on a Dime
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: More prevalent in writing than anything else.
- Silly Rabbit, Romance Is for Kids!: Hate the way the media depicts romance and love. I particularly hate how they seem to think you can't be completely disinterested in the pursuit of Romantic Relationships as a whole.
- Shaped Like Itself
- The Cynic
- Disabled Snarker
- Warrior Poet
- Wheelchair Antics: Rare these days but still reality
- Writers Cannot Do Math