Benjayman is a 25 year old who is as yet an untested contributor to TV Tropes. A long time observer, recent troper. He is completely and utterly addicted to T Vtropes and is unashamedly unrepentant about it. All he has contributed so far is ego stroking additions of his real life tropes but hopes to do more later. He is a half arsed Martial Artist who is actually alright but could be better with effort. He is a huge fan of Warhammer 40,000. I have written a lot of fanfiction for it and am prepared to unashamedly promote it Secret War
He got his troper name from a nickname his friend gave him: Ben-J-man Franklain.
Oh and he rhymes and uses alliteration a lot in his sentences without even knowing it...
Favourite video games
- Fallout New Vegas
- Mass Effect 1 and 2
- Uncharted 2
- Sonic Rush, Sonic CD
- The Fire Emblem series
- Blaz Blue.
- Resident Evil 4
- Dragon Age Origins
Favourite authors
- Dan Abnett
- Graham Mcneill
- HP Lovecraft
- George RR Martin
- Aaron Dembski Bowden
Favourite Movies
Favourite Anime
Favourite TV series
Related tropes
- DeadpanSnarker: in fact my jokes are so dryly delivered that it is extremely rare that anyone ever gets them which is much to my frustration.
- Handicapped Badass I'm as weak as a kitten due to hypothyroidism
but still able to hold my own in a fight
- Weak, but Skilled: as because of the earlier handicapped badass.
- ClusterFBomb: for a laugh mostly.
- Cool Loser: is the utter embodiment of this trope, cool on the outside a loser on the inside.
- The Lancer: hardly ever a leader
- Chaotic Neutral
- Mistaken for Gay: happens a distressingly allot.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Bishounen: this contributes to the Mistaken for Gay and people say I look allot like my mother and I have been accused by my friends of "Looking like a girl."
- Yuri Fanboy
- Older Than They Look: played straight and averted some people think I'm the same age but most think I'm younger, my flat mate said once if I cut my hair short I could pass as a fourteen year old, needless to say I wasn't quite sure what to make of that comment...
- Disproportionate Retribution; shoot me with a rubber-band and I'll shoot you ten times more...At point blank range.
- The Fighting Narcissist; Eh! Sure I'll admit it. But I aint no *COUGH!*Vega *COUGH!* but you know without the murderous tendencies but though some of my friend's may say that their MileageMayVary.
- Hypocritical Humour; Recently realised my hypocrisy and why I get strange looks from others if I ever call anyone else a "pretty boy" or "Bishounen" and I have vowed to never do it again and "DON'T.FUCKING.SWEAR!!"
- Brilliant, but Lazy; I am pretty sure allot of tropers fall into this trope, well that and Deadpan Snarker
- Catchphrase;
"Well you know what they say; (Insert tired, over worked Cliche here)"
- Aaaannnnnddd! Also as a Shout-Out to...
- and see Hypocritical Humour above.
- Wise Beyond Their Years; In some cases...What!? ITS TRUE!
- Combat Pragmatist; After practicing Tai Chi I learnt that is how you fight and win in RL.
- Fragile Speedster; though I am tougher than I look but that isn't saying much.
- Hikikomori: I may have become a lesser version ever of these since I lost my job...