Greetings and welcome.
Russian, 24 years old, in the middle of quarter-life crisis (looking for job, skills of a someone fresh from college, little to no direction in life). Have a great (but, for some unknown reason, purely theoretical) interest for role-playing games. Also enjoy reading (both fantasy and educational), and western CRPGs. Like horse-riding (despite being bad at it), singing and playing guitar (despite being very bad at it). Prefer the works which are more idealistic than cynical and more funny than serious. Not that I mind an occasional Tearjerker or two.
Like spoilers, Knights in Shining Armour, Tricksters and Eldritch Abominations (because everything is better with an Eldritch Abomination, right?). Hate Downer Endings and Crapsack Worlds. Added a few examples here and there, but no new pages, being way too shy to do that. Perhaps it'll change one day.
Oh, and I am not good at describing myself, so - feel free to add anything you deem appropriate.
When I do decribe myself, I think of the following:
- Meganekko
- Friendless Background
- Shrinking Violet - too shy for my own good
- Nightmare Fetishist
- No Social Skills
- Wrong Genre Savvy
- Afraid of Needles
- Apologises a Lot
- Bookworm
- Lawful Neutral
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Fat Girl
- Wide-Eyed Idealist (kind of weird - being that and Nightmare Fetishist at once. But I manage=))
- Sarcastic Devotee
- Berserk Button / Single-Issue Wonk depending on how serious it gets - While normally I tend to place mercy higher than justice, 3 things - rape, slavery and bullying - make me reconsider
- Ethical Hedonist - what I am trying to be, even though the degree of success varies
- Sidekick - and loyal one as that
- Dirty Coward
- Rules Lawyer
- The Enneagram - 6/5, with 6 being way too prominent
- Strange Girl
- I Gave My Word
In addition to that (or in contradiction, perhaps) my online persona tends to display the qualities of
Fan of:
- Star Wars (an original trilogy only)
- The Hunt For Red October - Only watched it once, but it gave me an Ear Worm for the years to come=)
- Indiana Jones
- Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines - I am not a big fan of aviation, but while watching this film, I wish I was
- Princess Bride - Thank you, TV Tropes, for bringing this pure concentrated awesome to my attention! Half of my favourite tropes in one place.
- The Abyss
- Pirates Of The Caribbean - especially the first movie
- JRR Tolkien - Of course
- Lovecraft - Love his Eldritch Abominations, if not the quality of the text itself=)
- Richard Bach
- If I could choose my belief, that would be it
- Terry Pratchett
- Alice Girl From The Future - Hey, that's what this one grew up on, after all
- Brother Cadfael
- Codex Alera
- Conan The Barbarian - Never expected myself to like it, yet, for some strange reason, I do.
- Ciaphas Cain - HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!! Seriosly, it is impossible not to like him
- The Dark Elf Trilogy - Ok, ok, I know, Drizzt bashing is popular. No, that doesn't stop me from liking the series.
- The Deed Of Paksenarrion - Finally someone portrays paladins right
- The Dresden Files
- The Elenium
- Joanna Chmielewska
- Judge Dee
- Kushiels Legacy
- Labyrinths of Echo - A good series with an interesting philosophy. If one does not mind Mary Sue of unparallelled proportions, that is. This one does not mind=)
- Myth Adventures - The first few books, anyway
- Orlando Furioso
- The Empire Trilogy - Don't have any great interest in the rest of the cycle, though
- Spellsinger
- The Thrawn Trilogy / Hand Of Thrawn / X Wing Series - but nothing else of Expanded Universe, please
- Babylon Five
- The Addams Family - Well, I am a Nightmare Fetishist who has no love for the real, dog-kicking evil, so...
- Full Metal Panic
- Slayers
- Kyou Kara Maou
- Spice And Wolf
- Ah My Goddess - anime version
- Spirited Away - actually, everything by Hayao Miyazaki except Princess Mononoke
- Inuyasha
- Dungeons And Dragons
- Especially Eberron, Planescape and Ravenloft settings
- Call Of Cthulhu
- Magic The Gathering
- Aria
- Ayreon
- Blackmore's Night
- Blind Guardian
- Dark Moor
- Evanescence
- Helloween
- Nautilus Pompilius
- Nightwish
- Melnitsa
- Within Temptation
- Heather Dale
- Various Russian folk/folk-rock/russian rock/bard song/filk artists
- Baldurs Gate
- Disgaea
- Dragon Age
- Morrowind
- Oblivion
- Sacred
- The Sims (yep, I know, that looks weird in this mix)
- Heroes Of Might And Magic
- Jade Empire
- King's Bounty: The Legend and King's Bounty: Armored Princess
- Knights of the Old Republic
- Mass Effect
- Neverwinter Nights
- Planescape Torment
- The Lord of the Rings Online
- Recettear
- Most of Disney Animated Canon
- Special mention to Beauty And The Beast, Lady And The Tramp, Mulan, The Aristocats and The Lion King
- My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - and this one refuses to be embarrassed about it!
- The Flight Of Dragons
- Balto
- Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron
- Rango
- Cats
- Not Always Right - and related sites
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness - It is something this one wants to believe in. That it is possible to remain a good person, no matter that the world throws at you.
- Dark Is Not Evil - Because it isn't
- Defiant to the End
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu? - Both of these two are nice in their own ways
- Honour Before Reason - This, too, is something this one wishes to believe. That principles should not be cast aside the moment they become inconvenient. That the ends do not justify the means.
- I Gave My Word
- Worthy Opponent - Just because you happen to be enemies does not mean that you can't both be fairly decent creatures
- Friendly Enemy - And it does not mean that you can't be fond of each other (not nessesary in this way)
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth
- Pity the Kidnapper
- Play-Along Prisoner
- Heel–Face Turn - Again, something this one wished to believe.
- Lima Syndrome - But not the Stockholm one, unless it's mutual
- Made a Slave - Not with Happiness in Slavery, though.
- Power of Trust - And all the assotiated tropes, like Kill Me Now, or Forever Stay Your Hand
- Talking the Monster to Death - Hey, sometimes it's more fun than beating them up with a heavy object
- Noble Demon
- A Father to His Men
- First-Person Smartass - Preferred mode of narration
- Good Is Not Dumb - Wish that more authors understood that
- Scheherezade Gambit
- Guile Hero
- Minion with an F in Evil - They're so adorable
- Major Injury Underreaction
- Casual Danger Dialog
- I Owe You My Life
- Humans Are Cthulhu - Well, we are
- Humans Through Alien Eyes - Because being "normal" is subjective
- Enemy Mine - (sigh) Ep, yep, this one likes some strange relationships with enemies
- Fire-Forged Friends - The only true kind
- Lovecraft Lite
- And, of course, Crowning Moments of Awesome, Heartwarming, Funny, Badasses and masters of Xanatos Gambits, but hey, who doesn't?
Vandalism, and general comments
- Beholderess is wonderfully literate and a fine addition to the Tropers. — Morven
- The Sims does indeed look out of place in that list. I'm also surprised and pleased to see that there are people who have the ability to remain Wide-Eyed Idealist while knowing of FATAL. WUE
- (blushes) Thank you! Well, I've mentioned that I am both idealist and Nightmare Fetishist=) These things do mix, though I wouldn't drink the resulting coctail=)
- Draszt Vuy Tyeh! I'm pretty sure I romanized that wrong, Hi! :D
- -poke- I ship you with Noimporta, for the record -poke- AHR
- Not sure if I should be horryfied or flattered... (flips coin) Ok, flattered it is!
- I do my best for those I feel need it. ;) - Keybreak
- Poke my EYE! Poke it! -SenatorAwesomePants
- Which one, I wonder?
- Finally a troper that shows no signs, not even a trace, of cynicism or bitterness. It's nice to see :) —Outta The BLAM
- Oh, I can be bitter sometimes, though Itry not to be. Still, thank you.
- Godot Was Here.
- You are saying that its weird to be Wide-Eyed Idealist and Nightmare Fetishist same time? YOU MUST DIE!!!(Just kidding~ But seriously saying, I like creepy stuff and I'm pretty idealistic, though I try to be more cold when the subject of discussion is 'controversial', but I don't see how it is weird to be those at same time, they aren't really related to each other.) -Spooky Mask
- Well, some people think that idealism involves rabbits. This one doesn't know of a reason why it shouldn't involve tentacles too=)) And I wish I could keep myself cold sometimes
- When you think about it, person who can imagine even things that are considered by 'normal' people are 'creepy' as good things, that person would be more positive than person who would find fluffy animals cute, but scream at sight of spider :)
- Well, some people think that idealism involves rabbits. This one doesn't know of a reason why it shouldn't involve tentacles too=)) And I wish I could keep myself cold sometimes
- You said you'd miss me if I left for a couple of days. EGO = STROKED. Thanks, ~Hungry Joe
- You're more than welcome
- Your views of villians is interesting. I think you just gave me some ideas for my story, thank you. ~Pvtnum11
- That is unexpected, but I am very glad.
- A fellow Slav arrives with an offering of war hamster of Chelyabinsk
! ~Gacek
- Aww, I hope that little one is not ill. If it is healthy, though - then I know now where Boo comes from! Thank you.
- Gacek again, I just realised you seem to be more Lawful Good than Lawful Neutral. - G.
- You flatter me. I am nowhere near Lawful Good, I'm afraid. Quite selfish, in fact. But still thank you.
- Aww, I hope that little one is not ill. If it is healthy, though - then I know now where Boo comes from! Thank you.
- Однако, как могу избежать шанс написать на стене коллеги русского языка? -Morgulion
- Добро пожаловать, очень рада
- А что, собственно, всё это обсуждение делает тут? Почему не на странице обсуждения? — Sikon
- Добро пожаловать, очень рада
- You're awesome, so I'm gonna scrawl a heart ♥ -Pykrete
- Thank you! And please accept my apologies for the late answer.
- Beholeress is utterly amazing and a genuinely good person even though she doesn't seem to think so. Plus, she speaks in a very cool way. - Diamonnes
- Thank you. You are too kind.
- This one is vandalising this page.
- Looks like verbal tics are virulent. Beware!
- You're one of the sweetest people I see here. :) - Bellacide
- Thank you (blushes)
- You're a very nice person. - Exploder
- This one is not nice but she is trying. Still, thank you.
- Я не говорю по-русский так хорошо, но меня просто нужно написать это по-русскому. Ты классная. - MilosStefanovic
- Огромное спасибо! Я очень ценю это
- I appreciate reading your posts. Partly because they're always well thought out, and partly because the combination of how you write, your current avatar, and your previous avatar give me this mental image of a chronically shy hanar hiding behind a pillar on the Citadel and offering quiet opinions on world issues and ethics. Too moe for words. - Radical Taoist
...Th-this one...goes by the title of Hanarshy...if you'd be kind enough to call her that....thanks...
- (blushes)This one is flattered. Thank you
- See, that's exactly what I'm talking about! The image comes to mind immediately, and I don't even think hanar can blush!
- I've read some of your posts on the forums. They're very interesting and, as Taoist said, very well thought-out. You seem quite nice too! :D - Ventisia
:D - Midnight Rambler