How we got here:
I remember hearing about TV Tropes on the radio (NPR's On the Media) and thought that it would be a lovely place to visit, if I ever got a computer.
Cue September 2010. A link from a certain other website reminds me that TV Tropes exists. The rest is history.
As time wears on, I realized that I've sometimes abused the power of TV Tropes. For example, when I was new, I was unknowingly a part of the problem with Nightmare Fuel. Now, I try to trope responsibly. I love to Drop the Hammer on Complaining and fan wankery.
Tropes that apply to me:
- Berserk Button: I have many.
- Big "OMG!": And I'm not even religious!
- Brainy Brunette: Possibly subverted.
- Crosses the Line Twice
- Cuteness Proximity: See below
- Everything's Cuter with Kittens
- Fan Fiction Dot Net (member)
- Gamer Chick
- Grammar Nazi
- Malaproper
- Mama Bear: I am ferociously protective. To the point where I leave destruction in my wake. Overlaps with Serious Business.
- Moe: According to Nicknacks! D'aww.
- Mood Whiplash
- Narm
- Never Live It Down
- Pungeon Master: Puns are fun and easy to remember.
- Samus Is a Girl: I don't think a lot of people "get" my gender from just my screen names/behavior. And here I am now, spoiler-tagging this just to add to the confusion!
- Serious Business
- The Theorem of Narrow Interests
- Third-Person Person: Sometimes, in the forums. You don't leave a username like this just lying around.
- True Neutral: According to this
website, which tests your Dungeons And Dragons alignment. Cool!
- TV Tropes Will Enhance Your Life
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Vocabulary: I've never looked at "subverted" the same way since.
- Wangst
Stuff that TV Tropes turned me on to:
- Hiim Daisy
- My Immortal (though I haven't actually read it, gods no)
- Retsupurae
Stuff that I am into:
- Adventure Time
- Bio Ware
- Clamp
- DC Comics
- Dead Rising
- Dragon Ball
- Fighting Games
- Role-Playing Games
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Silent Hill
- Survival Horror in general
- Tumblr (mine is here
, if you're curious)
I don't really make to-do lists. I tend to try to clean up typos and red links.
Pages that I've launched:
- Bleach: Fan Works
- Christopher Corey Smith
- Final Fantasy VII The Sevening
- Cinematech
- Darkness
- Ride to Hell: Retribution
- Street Fighter II V
- Characters.Silent Hill Revelation 3 D
- Silent Hill (I didn't launch it, but I did give it a description and added some appropriate wicks)
- Film.Silent Hill Revelation 3 D
Stuff I've voted on:
- Changing the page image on Lethal Chef. Tales of Symphonia FTW!
- Turning Cookie Cutter Cuties into a Red Link, because there was no trope there.
- Naming Lady Legionnaire Wear
I've tried to create some new tropes in YKTTW, to no avail. I do sometimes give input on other items in YKTTW.