This is the greatest thing you will ever read on the whole internet.
...or it could just be written by a heavily conceited, narcissistic loner. Woe is me.
I am many things: a troper, an electronics tinkerer, a fanfic writer, a musician,
a programmer and a troper. I head a couple of projects; one is Final Fantasy Reorchestrated,
which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin, and Fanmade Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 3,
a project which was until quite recently in Development Hell.
I enjoy healthy, academic discussion with pretty much anyone, and am happy to converse with people on any mutually interesting subject pretty well whenever.
In another world, this troper would totally be a moogle, kupo. An Ivalician one, mind you.
This Troper contains examples of:
- Land Down Under: Though you'd never guess he comes from there, since he spends so much time as a Fake Brit. Not a lot of faith in his country.
- Deadpan Snarker: Has his moments.
- The Mario
- Hazel Eyes
- Rebellious Spirit
- Younger Than They Look: Particularly now with a beard.
- Music Tropes:
- Technician Versus Performer: Typically a performer when performing, and a technician when composing. Some overlap does exist, though... particularly when one considers he's a trained sound engineer.
- Composer: Probably what he does best.
- The Piano Player: First instrument.
- One-Man Band: Owns and plays a theatre organ. Second instrument.
- Ominous Pipe Organ: Plays with this a lot, and I don't just mean the trope.
- Dramatic Timpani: Third instrument. Played through most of high school, and normally what he is called to play in orchestras. And yes, he has been asked on several occasions, "Drum roll, please!"
- Xylophone Gag: When not playing timpani, he's quite prone to these.
- All Drummers Are Animals: Fifth instrument. Subverted.
- Most Annoying Sound: YMMV - His sixth instrument is descant recorder.
- Theremin: Seventh instrument. Still learning. Another contender for Most Annoying Sound.
- Technician Versus Performer: Typically a performer when performing, and a technician when composing. Some overlap does exist, though... particularly when one considers he's a trained sound engineer.
- Fanfic Tropes - expect to find:
- Author Filibuster
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: The present favourite is les Français.
- Padding
- Wreck Fic
This Troper is responsible for:
- We, Who Suggest Ourselves, an Ivalice Alliance fanfic.