As the name might suggest, I am a huge fan of both Batman and Star Trek. Which Star Trek? All five. Yes, even Enterprise. Yes, even the last few seasons of Voyager. As for Batman, my favorite version of him will always be the animated series by Bruce Timm. However, I also throw out some huge kudos to Christopher Nolan for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. He made live-action Batman cool again!
I am the wacko responsible for the Hey, It's That Voice! page. I made it back when I was, ya know, a Clueless Contributor and by sheer luck it managed to avoid deletion! And after floating around for a while, I've also added Pokemon Ranger and Oedipus The King to my page count.
For future reference
1) Batman would totally cream Superman in a fight.
2) Picard would totally cream Kirk in a fight.
And by the by, I happen to be of the feminine persuasion.
This troper shows signs of:
- Bad Ass Bookworm : At least I wanna be. . .
- Berserk Button : If you hear about someone on the news who beats somebody half to death with their own cell phone, it'll probably be me.
- Beware the Nice Ones : See above.
- Dissonant Serenity : It's so much fun to be the only one keeping your head on when everyone else is going crazy. Especially when it drives them crazier.
- Fan Fic : Yes, I am guilty of writing it, but none of the Rule 34 or Perverse Sexual Lust kind.
- Hype Aversion : Avoided Harry Potter for the longest time because of all the hype.
- Hype Backlash : POTC was fun, but it wasn't that good.
- Wild Mass Guessing : The one about Tom Bombadil being the One? That's me. I don't know anything about the Word of God contradicting my theory. La, la, la, can't hear you!