Hello there! Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a 21 year old from Ohio who found out about TV Tropes through a link on GameFAQs and has been coming here ever since. Is most certainly sure that this website has both enhanced and ruined his life, ruined of course in the sense that I spend so damn much of my time here, being a part-time Grammar Nazi.
When he's not on TV Tropes, he can usually be seen playing his Xbox or jamming on his bass guitar.
Contrary to my username, he is not really all that fond of baseball.
Created the following pages:
This troper's life contains examples of:
- Adjusting Your Glasses: By the bridge
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: This troper suffers from ADD
- Berserk Button: Don't ever call this troper stupid, or refer to him by his nickname.
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy: Well, second biggest anyway
- Big Brother Instinct: I have a younger sister who I would protect with my life, even if I won't admit it to her
- Brainy Brunette
- Brilliant, but Lazy: Graduated from high school, but probably could've done a lot better there if not for my laziness...
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cleveland Rocks: Though truthfully, I live about an hour away from there
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: My friends and I joke with each other with similar phrases to this.
- Embarrassing Nickname
- Everybody Hates Mathematics: Oh God, do I.
- Geek
- A Good Name for a Rock Band: The band my friends and I are in is called 'Raven Down', and in case you were wondering, it's a Gears Of War refrence.
- Nakama
- Not a Morning Person
- Vitriolic Best Buds: This one friend of mine...
- Yuri Fanboy