Hello everyone, I'm Basara-kun and I'm from Chile. I'm Proud to Be a Geek and I made some stuff for fandom in the Internet. I've seen this website since years ago and finally I enter here to add my knowledge in geek/otaku/gamer stuff to TV Tropes. I hope you enjoy my page and you can always find me in my Facebook (I usually talk in Spanish but you can talk me in English as well), also have an Instagram
(dedicated to Cosplay only), you can follow me there as well.
Tropes about my persona:
- The Ace:
- Mostly in my school times where I was the first in my class.
- Broken Ace: After getting out of school, my future became more and more unclear.
- Adorkable: I'm very lovable, even when sometimes I'm a jerk.
- Allergic to Routine
- Archnemesis Dad
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: More when I was a child, but still mantain some of this now.
- Bald Head of Toughness: Sometimes I got my head shaved just because I wanted to, or sometimes for Cosplay.
- Berserk Button:
- Not a person who angers easily, but certain things made me angry at the point of Get Out!. From few years ago until now, my dad triggers it.
- And recently, anyone who tries to bother/hurt my son.
- Beware the Quiet Ones
- Big Eater: I usually eat A LOT, actually I'm a little fat now.
- Bittersweet Ending: My marriage came to an end in December 2018, and it was in the most hurtful posssible, with a heart broken, without my son and with an empty house. Very depressing, if you ask me.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: I'm afraid of having this sometimes.
- Cannot Convey Sarcasm
- Chuunibyou: I admit that I had it when I was in High School, the Evil Eye-type mostly and sometimes the DQN-type too.
- Crazy Memory: Sometimes I can remember trivia-like things and stuff from years ago, but sometimes I can't find my keys.
- Crazy Sane
- Dead Guy Junior: The names of my son are given based on two close persons for my ex-wife and me that aren't in this world anymore.
- Determinator
- Did Not Get the Girl: I got separated of my ex-wife, so I'm not a married (nor family) man anymore.
- Dissonant Laughter
- Exceptionally Tolerant: With everyone... except my father and my brother.
- Face Of The Band: Of my group of friends, more in the time we got a band called "Perverteto".
- Family Man: In the past I was one with a wife and a son. Actually, only have my son (but far from me), but now I'm the other one as I'm back with my parents and my brother after my marriage breakup.
- Fan of the Past: I'm declared a fan of The '80s and The '90s, sometimes at the point of becoming a Disco Dan (but only sometimes).
- Fictional Counterpart:
- Reno is the guy I always wanted to be. But in real life I'm more like Phillip J. Fry.
- Various of the people who know me (cosplay friends or even people who know my work) see me as the live-action Billy Kane.
- Friend to All Children: I liked children before, but after being a father, I got a soft spot on babies and little children.
- Friend with Benefits: I've been lucky having a couple of them during these years after my breakup, but they don't last much sadly.
- Good Feels Good
- Hot-Blooded: More about exciting things I made and how impulsive I am than being a Hair-Trigger Temper person.
- House Husband: Sometines when I was to take care of my boy and my house, I act like that.
- Important Haircut: Usually when I made a change in my life I got one, mostly shave my head or cutting my hair shorter than I got in that time. Or even dying it to another color).
- It's All About Me: I've to admit it... yeah, I usually talk a lot about me and I'm looking my own projects closely.
- Older Than I Look: I'm 40, but still look like in my 20s.
- Older Than the NES: I'm from 1982, technically like 3 years before the NES.
- Papa Wolf: I become this because of my son, Pablo. Sometimes I'm a bit of Helicopter Parent.
- Perma-Stubble and Perma-Shave: I varied between both looks since I don't get a chance of a proper beard or moustache, usually choose the second because of my cosplays but sometimes I use the former for Cosplay too.
- Proud to Be a Geek
- Sex Changes Everything: I had both good (and close) female friends and I had sex with them at some point (with one was a one-night-stand only and the second was a Friend with Benefits). In both cases, they walked away from my life and now I barely have contact with them (which makes me sad everytime I think about it).
- Spell My Name with an S: My last name (which I'm not revealing here, of course). Also, sometimes my nickname, sometimes called funnily by some friends as "Basura-kun"note .
- Team Dad: I became this in my new group of friends, being one of the older ones and being care about the group.
- Thinking Out Loud
- Tranquil Fury
- White Sheep: I'm this to my family, also checked by my friends and close ones.
- You Don't Look Like You: Various times I changed all my look just because I wanted and nobody expected (see Important Haircut).
Tropes about my hobbies and things I like and do:
open/close all folders
- The '80s: One of my favourite eras ever, almost all things from that age I love a lot, especially video games and music.
- The '90s: My second favourite era, I enjoyed more than the past one but I still prefer the former.
- CamelCase: Some of my (past) personal projects (and business) like CosplayZone (online Cosplay magazine), BabyFan (geek clothes and accesories for toddlers) and VivaFree (my nickname as Vaporwave artist).
- Cosplay: Yes, I do it since 2003 and still entertains me. You can see my works here
, here
and here
(the latter is most up-to-date).
- Development Hell: Seen in Cosplay and MUGEN, in which I have a lot of projects but very few of them were finished. I can have projects for years and you won't be sure if they get a happy end or not.
- Digital Piracy Is Okay: In a country where everything is expensive and good things don't come here, this is more like a third option.
- Expy: My nickname comes from Basara Kubikiri, one of my personal favorite characters in video games.
- Fan Convention: I usually go to the bigger ones these years (when I can, of course), but in the past I went to all I could go.
- For Halloween, I Am Going as Myself: Basically going with cosplay on the streets and no one can tell me anything.
- Gag Dub:
- Made with friends some videos as Affectionate Parody as well some redubs, like these
from Mega Man X and these
from some animes.
- Also I made Pop Team Epic en Chileno ("PTE in Chilean"), with Popuko and Pipimi gags translated in Chilean Spanish mixed with Cluster F-Bomb and local Memetic Mutation.
- Made with friends some videos as Affectionate Parody as well some redubs, like these
- Guilty Pleasures: I got a lot of them, most of them I don't admit it in public.
- Internet Detective: Sometimes, Google is my friend.
- Mainstream Obscurity: Various of my tastes no one else of my friends knows/likes it: Outlaw Star, Space☆Dandy, Scott Pilgrim, Doctor Who, classic games from NES, Power Instinct, Chilean comic books, and so on.
- M.U.G.E.N: Not just play with it, also I create stuff (mostly characters) since 2003. This is my website, by the way.
- Ninja Editor:
- In various forums, wikis and websites I usually post on (like this one).
- I'm Not Here to Make Friends: In TV Tropes only. I just come here to propose/help with TLP and edit tropes and pages, I barely look at forums and the only time I did it is because the highest powers here required it and nothing more. I don't have friends or known people here either, but that doesn't mean I'm a Grinch or something.
- Only One Name:
- My nickname Basara-kun. Used for all the stuff I do.
- I Have Many Names: Also called as Basara, B-kun and BasaraKun. Recently I'm known as Carlos Basara because of the name I adopted in social networks (Carlos is my real name BTW).
- Put on a Bus:
- Some of my past projects like Nippon Rock (podcast about J-Rock and Visual Kei, with some Rock Anime Theme Songs), Basara Critics Inc. (geek opinion blog) and some others.
- My two personal business (CosplayZone and BabyFan) are in the past now.
- My vlog project Basara on the Vlog became this, sadly.
- Scanlation: I run a blog where I translate english comic books to spanish, but those ones not so-known by people. Also I scan chilean comic books that aren't on the net. Basara Comics, Inc.
is the blog, check it out (in Spanish). It was With a Foot on the Bus, but now I'm back with it (temporarily).
- Vaporwave: Yeah, I also entered to this as the nickname of VivaFree (name based on the Chilean cola soda that replaced Pepsi in The '80s). You can listen my works here
and also having a FB fanpage
- Web Video Creators:
- First I tried to be a youtuber with "Basara on the Vlog" but didn't work, now I'm in TikTok making videos, all related to cosplay and sometimes random stuff. Don't get much success but I got few fans, that's odd XD
- Not to mention I'm the one behind Pop Team Epic en Chileno, he he.
- Action Fashionista: When I cosplay a character that has multiple outfits, I usually try to make all I can.
- Adults Dressed as Children: When sometimes I cosplayed Japanese highschoolers.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: One of my favorite characters to cosplay, especially cool guys like Reno, Lee Chaolan (and Violet), Akira Nishiki, Kazuma Kiryu and Black Jack.
- Becoming the Costume: My motto in cosplay.
- Cheap Costume: Various of my cosplays are made with $0, mostly made for fun than anything else. In recent years, I made this by reusing elements of my past cosplays (clothes, wigs, etc) to make something new.
- Clothes Make the Legend: Everytime I cosplay. Sometimes people just recognizes me with a costume instead my Real Life clothes.
- The Dandy: Various of the characters I made, which also represents me a lot. Included a Dandy... IN SPACE!
- Delinquent:
- I usually like to cosplay this stereotype. Some characters I made were Billy Kane, Alex DeLarge, Captain Cold, Cody Travers and Reno.
- Japanese Delinquent: Yusuke Urameshi, Edge, Joe Kusanagi, Eikichi Onizuka and even my own version of a yankii
- Evil Feels Good:
- Sometimes I love to cosplay evil characters like Albert Wesker, Waluigi, Kyouichi Saionji, Android 17, Nrvnqsr Chaos, Shredder, Captain Cold and Akira Nishiki.
- Recently I took it back again with Giovanni and Gideon Graves.
- Hero Protagonist:
- Mainly in my beginnings, with characters like Naruto Uzumaki, Yusuke Urameshi, Kyo Kusanagi and recently The Doctor.
- During the pandemic, I'm back with this by making Hal Jordan, Dante (the latter still unfinished) and Scott Pilgrim.
- Since 2022, I became the Chilean Hal Jordan after finally making him in conventions, using that cosplay even in public events when DC superheroes are needed.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: I made some Just for Fun, like Tadao Yokoshima, Kintaro Oe and Eikichi Onizuka.
- Mr. Fanservice:
- With various of my cosplays, especially Reno.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Some of them, especially from my beginnings (like Basara Kubikiri).
- The Nth Doctor: Literally. I cosplayed various of Doctor Who – Doctors (First, Fourth, Eighth and Ninth) and even a companion (Rory Williams). During the pandemic, also I made Second, Twelfth and Fourteenth as homecosplays.
- The Stoic: Some of the characters I made are like this, mostly Gaara, Captain Cold, Ukyo Tachibana, Sub-Zero and Black Jack.
- Victory Is Boring: I won various prizes during 2003-2008, since 2009 I Stopped Caring about contests and I just Doing It for the Art (even when I won sometimes in Masquerade Contests). Also, I was famous for winning the first Comic-Con Chile in 2011.
- Yakuza: Also I converted into one when I cosplayed Akira Nishiki... and years later Kazuma Kiryu.
- Claymation: I became the "ClayFighter Guy" after making a lot of characters from the series in 63 1/3 style, a lifebars from the mentioned game, and even making a fullgame of it: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare.
- Cult Classic: I love classic (and obscure) fighting games and I made some characters from them: Power Instinct, Aggressors of Dark Kombat, World Heroes and Final Fight 3.
- Expy: Of another creators who made classic and obscure chars. Especifically Adamskie, O Ilusionista and Lord Sinistro.
- Fan Game: I made a couple of them: Anti-Gouki Project (on Development Hell) and ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (working on it right now.)
- Follow the Leader: I tried to avoid this during my MUGEN career, but I made some shotoclones, one character from Kakuge Yaro game and even I tried to make chars a la P.O.T.S.-style (the latter without success).
- Ink-Suit Actor: I made the voice for Eric and a couple of Akuma clones from Anti-Gouki Project.
- Justified Trope: For Eric.
- Lethal Joke Character: Various of my April Fools' Day chars like Loud Demon (Eric's Evil Counterpart), Son Gohan, Frank West (along with Balmsold), Dalek, Taiga Aisaka and HoboCop. Also, some other cheap chars like Evil Reiji, Akuma-Shin, Mad Grinder and Scott Pilgrim (before the real version I made).
- Monster of the Week: Gen-an Shiranui, Dalek (and later Cyberman), Shuma-Gorath, Bishamon and Ice.
- Original Generation: I created various original characters, like Eric, the XXX series (Made of Evil Living Shadows), Blizzard (not to be confused with another Blizzard) and B-kun Pocket for an old NGP-style fullgame.
- Shotoclones: Eric, XXX2, Cyborg, a KOF version of Ryu and even the whole Anti-Gouki Project fullgame. And because of the moveset was given in that game, Earthworm Jim from ClayFighter 63 1/3.
- Shout-Out: For various of my original characters, mostly for Eric. Also, often I made cosplay palettes for my characters.
- Take That!:
- The whole Anti-Gouki Project as a parody about Akumas on the net. This is the official website, by the way.
- Also Akuma-Shin a ridiculous depowered version of one of those cheap MVC Akuma chars on the Internet.
- The whole Anti-Gouki Project as a parody about Akumas on the net. This is the official website, by the way.
- We Do the Impossible:
- Various of my chars are made with minimal resources and get cool results anyway. Some examples are Keiji Thomas and Mr.X from NES' Kung Fu Master, a SMB1 Mario, a Tetris character and Dalek, a character made with just one sprite.
- My 2019 April Fools' Day character was HoboCop, one of cancelled characters from ClayFighter series.
- In 2021 I'm back with both mentioned tendencies (a 8-bit and AF character) with my version of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, and later in 2023 with the Atari 2600 version of Karate.
My contributions to TV Tropes:
Tropes I edited/helped to do
- Japanese Delinquent
- Too Good to Last
- A Boy and His X
- Sports Hero Backstory
- Some Dexterity Required
- Shrine to the Fallen
- Intrepid Reporter
- Capcom Sequel Stagnation
- Stronger Than They Look
- Hover Skates
- Shoot 'Em Up
- Ex-Big Bad
- No Celebrities Were Harmed
- Hair-Contrast Duo
- Hot Gypsy Woman
- You Can't Kill What's Already Dead
- Starring a Star as a Star
- Soft Reboot
- Sentient Stars
- Sumo Wrestling
- Bleached Underpants
- Virgin Power
- Catchphrase Insult
- Crappy Holidays
- Interchangeable Asian Cultures
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Telenovela
- Fan Animation
- Motion Comic
- Cyberpunk
- Hobos
- Superman Substitute
- Chained Heat (video games)
- Decade-Themed Filter
- Godlike Gamer
- Geisha
- Sailor Senshi Send-Up
- Simpsonwave
- Edible Ammunition
- Ninja Fiction
Tropes I made
- Male Band, Female Singer
- Family Man
- Red Is Violent
- Chuunibyou
- Fanservice Model
- One Twin Must Die
- Balance, Speed, Strength Trio
- Vengeful Ghost
- Friendly Neighborhood Spider
- The Sandman
- The Most Wanted
- Episode of the Dead
- Hero, Rival, Baddie Team-Up
- Celebrity Masquerade
- Food Interrogation
- Freddie Mercopy
- Long-Lasting Last Words
- Human Alien Discovery
- Monster Brother, Cutie Sister
- Future Funk
- Movement Mascot
- Red-plica Baron
- Hoax Hogan
- Cain
- The Voice of a Generation
- Small Town, Big Hell
- Sliding Bike Stop (changed to a dismabiguation between Badass Biker and ReferencedBy.Akira)
- Cloneopoly
Some Up For Grabs
- Technophobia
- Extreme Libido
- Orc Raised by Elves
- Criss-Cross Attack
- Self-Recovery Surprise
- Drench Celebration
- No Focus on Humans
- Intra-Franchise Crossover
- Dork in a Sweater
- Fanservice Characters
- Adaptation Amalgamation
- Western Samurai
- Training Stage
- Single-Task Robot
- Big Anime Eyes
- Only Good People May Pass
- A Mistake Is Born
- Instant Turn-Off
- Win Her a Prize
- Reduced to Dust
- Out of Holiday Episode
- Tamer and Chaster
- Rival Final Boss
- Sideways Compatibility (changed to Useful Notes and with another name)
- Visual Title Drop
- Training Stage
- Hacker Collective
- Character in the Logo
- Muggle Sports, Super Athletes
- Celebrity Superhero
- Tarzan Boy
- Handsome Heroic Caveman
- Chevalier vs. Rogue
- Bust-Contrast Duo
- Female Fighter, Male Handler
- Fighting Back Is Wrong
- Father's Quest
- Whoosh in Front of the Camera
- Laser-Guided Broadcast
- Too Broken to Break
- Southern Gothic Satan
- Cyberbullying
- Karmic Butt-Monkey
Edited pages
- Video Games:
- Power Instinct (Main and Characters)
- M.U.G.E.N
- Aggressors of Dark Kombat
- World Heroes (mostly Characters)
- ClayFighter
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
- Justice League Task Force
- Advanced Variable Geo and Variable Geo (mostly Characters sections)
- Earthworm Jim (Characters)
- Samurai Shodown
- NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
- Street Fighter (Shout-Out)
- Jet Set Radio (Characters)
- Athena
- Fu'un Series (Characters)
- Final Fight
- Dead or Alive 6
- Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen Angels
- Dance Central
- Neo Geo
- Codemasters
- Comic Books:
- Anime:
- Other works:
- Chilean Media:
- 31 Minutos (Characters)
- Palomita
- Condorito (mostly Trivia)
- Dorso
- Los Jaivas
- Cote de Pablo
- Los Pulentos
- Benjamín Vicuña
- René Pinochet
- Jessica Toledo
- Wrestling:
- Networks
- Pizzicato Five
- Cosplay
- Vaporwave
- Polandball Latin American Nations
- Bôa (UK)
- Te Lo Resumo Así Nomás
- Youkai
Created pages
- Video Games:
- Aggressors of Dark Kombat (Characters and Trivia)
- ClayFighter (Characters)
- Buriki One
- NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (Characters)
- Psikyo
- Kakuge Yaro
- Samurai Shodown (Timelines)
- M.U.G.E.N
- Nakoruru: Ano Hito kara no Okurimono
- Groove on Fight
- SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash
- Banpresto
- Evercade (my first Useful Note)
- Chilean Media:
- Los Prisioneros
- Diablo (Chile)
- Condorito (The '80s animated shorts as well The Movie in 2017)
- Mi Perro Chocolo
- Cristian de la Fuente
- Machos
- Pop Team Epic en Chileno
- Lucybell
- Diego y Glot
- Comic Books and Manga:
- Music:
- El Bananero
- Harumi Ikoma
- Hana Kimura