Hi there! If you took the time and clicked on this, I guess you're interested in learning a bit more about me. That's cool. You're cool for that.
Basic Stuff
- Username/Nicknames: Baron Green (Or Baron, Greg, or Chuck, which is reserved for my fiances :P)
- Age: 22 (As of January 6th)
- Nationality: U.S. (I'm a Marylander, yay.)
- Gender: Male (If that wasn't obvious already)
- Race: African-American
Stuff I think is cool
Specific titles and series I enjoy
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Pokemon
- Mass Effect
- Zero Escape
- Dangan Ronpa
- Phoenix Wright
- Steven Universe
- Tales Series
- Saints Row
Tropes I think apply to me
- Apologizes a Lot
- Attention Deficit Creator Disorder - Yeah...I've got this pretty bad. Half the reason I never finish anything.
- Badass Beard - I like to think I have one of those. Facial hair is awesome.
- Berserk Button - Unwarranted rudeness annoys the crap out of me. So does anything discriminatory.
- Big Beautiful Man
- Big Fun - I'm a big guy that likes to enjoy himself.
- Blind Without 'Em - Averted. I only really need my glasses for distance, but I tend to wear them all the time.
- Brilliant, but Lazy
- Covert Pervert - I...have my moments, yes.
- Embarrassing Nickname - Charlie or CharChar. Both from friends of mine. Also, Chuck, which is reserved for two special guys...
- For The Love Of Many - Turns out I'm polyamorous. Go figure.
- Gentle Giant - I'm generally a mild mannered guy.
- Hair-Trigger Temper - Yeah...it's not too hard to piss me off sometimes.
- Kuudere
- Large Ham - Do not be alarmed if I suddenly go from speaking like a perfect gentleman to SCREAMING LIKE A MADMAN. It's normal.
- Nice Guy - I try to be, at least. I think I'm doing an OK job.
- OT3 - Am a part of one with Ghost Elm and Aqueous Bunnies. And couldn't be happier.
- Precision F-Strike - Not an uncommon habit of mine. Sorry if it offends.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts - Am not afraid to invoke with my boyfriends, regardless of where we are.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot - Mostly when I'm pissed off. Or just in general, really. Again, sorry if it offends.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
- Straight Gay - Yeah. I'm gay. Cool, I guess.
- The Bear - Self-explanatory
- Younger Than They Look - When I go without shaving or a hair cut, I look like I'm in my thirties, easily.