Welcome to the page where all the cool tropers describe themselves.
I'm Kyle Patrick Dominic von Tobac. I'm made of all the right stuff.
This troper provides examples of:
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Mustache
- Book Dumb
- Born Lucky
- Brilliant, but Lazy
- Chaotic Neutral
- The Fool
- Forgets to Eat
- Geek
- Headphones Equal Isolation
- Heterosexual Life-Partners
- Kleptomaniac Hero
- The Lancer
- Last-Name Basis
- Loveable Rogue
- Magical Native American
- Nice Hat
- '90s Anti-Hero
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Overly Long Name
- Pirate
- Punk
- Roma
- Red Oni, Blue Oni
- Two First Names
- Two Gamers on a Couch