Well, everyone else has made a troper page...might as well join the crowd...
A long time ago I used to call myself Background Bailey, because I liked to rip sprite backgrounds from NES/SNES games for fun. Unfortunately, most people assumed that Bailey was my first name, not my last, which lead to some rather uncomfortable and awkward situations... So I took my last name and reworked it a bit, coming up with 'Bailoroc' because I thought it sounded like the name of a wizard or a necromancer or something cool like that.
- Name: Friends call me Mitch; I'll leave it at that.
- Age: 27
- Job: College Student/Retail associate
- Goals: Graduate college, get a career started, attend art school and various self-improvement classes, learn to draw well, learn to animate, learn to sprite, and design a few freeware video games for the internet community. Now, as to whether or not I can actually achieve any of that.....
- Favorite food type: Seafood, Chinese
- Favorite fictional element: Darkness
Actually, you know what? After seeing this video, I've decided to just nuke this section; I'll still keep the others up but now I kind of don't want to describe myself with tropes after all. Nice Job making tropers look bad.
- Actually, I Am Him
- Affably Evil: It's my favorite kind of evil! Probably how I would be if I wasn't Neutral Good myself (with a dash of Stupid Good).
- After the End: Because I believe nothing ever truly ends.
- Agony Beam: Hey, given the right kind, it could actually be more painful than traditional torture methods. Plus it looks really cool.
- Alchemy
- A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read
- Animate Dead
- Anti-Magic
- Art Initiates Life: One of the coolest powers ever.
- Artificial Gravity
- Astral Projection
- Aura Vision
- Bad Powers, Good People
- Black Eyes of Crazy: I love this trope so hard. It's one of my top favorites.
- Because I'm Jonesy
- Beware My Stinger Tail
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The much more interesting version of mind control.
- Breath Weapon
- Battle in the Center of the Mind
- Barrier Warrior
- Body Snatcher
- Body Surf
- Big Boo's Haunt: Always my favorite level or at least right up there.
- Bio-Augmentation: To the point that I'm hoping it'll become a real deal in Real Life so we can all have better health, strength, and intelligence if we desire. Sign me up for some artist genes, please!
- Bizarrchitecture: Why, that's my favorite kind of architecture!
- Black Bug Room
- Black Cloak: Man, I wish I could wear these in public and not stand out; they're so cool!
- Book Dumb
- Bond Creatures
- Brick Joke
- Bubbly Clouds
- Call-Back
- Circus of Fear
- Character Alignment
- Character Development: The hardest trope to pull off well but is great when done sucessfully.
- Chekhov's Gun
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cold Flames
- Commissioner Gordon
- Cool Pet
- Crazy Enough to Work
- Cry for the Devil
- Dark Is Edgy: Well, it technically is.
- Dark World: I would probably get a summer home in one as long as it wasn't dangerous.
- Deliberately Monochrome
- Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: When used right, they are both cool and completely believeable.
- Depraved Kids' Show Host: Tragic in Real Life...but funny as hell when played for laughs.
- Detective Mole: Because let's face it; unless they're Obviously Evil, you never suspect the police.
- Ditzy Genius
- Don't Fear The Reaper: I think being friends with Death himself sounds pretty cool...just as long as he let's me live my natural lifespan, of course.
- Dual Boss
- Dual Wielding
- Egopolis
- Elemental Absorption: So cool!
- Element No. 5
- Elemental Powers: One of the tropes I'm absolutely obsessed with. Everything is better with elements! EVERYTHING.
- Elemental Punch: What's cooler than a punch? An elemental punch, of course.
- Emotion Bomb
- Energy Absorption
- Energy Ball
- Enlightenment Superpowers
- Eye Beams
- Face Palm
- Fantasy Character Classes
- Fighting a Shadow
- Fighting from the Inside
- Fisher Kingdom: A scary but very fascinating trope.
- Freeing the Genie
- Functional Magic
- Genre-Busting: I hope to one day myself make a work that does this.
- God in Human Form
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Good Powers, Bad People: Because as long as there is evil in the hearts of man, there will always be those who will use good for evil.
- Grappling-Hook Pistol: Come on, do I need to even explain why this is cool?
- Green Lantern Ring: Okay, so it could, with bad writers, lead to problems but with great writers, they're awesome!
- Handguns
- Hard Light
- Haunted House: Well, I still like them...
- Healing Factor
- Healing Hands: I would so love to have this ability.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Hooks and Crooks
- Hope Springs Eternal
- HP to One
- Hypocrisy Nod
- Hypnotic Eyes
- I Know What You Fear
- Impossibly Cool Weapon
- Improbable Weapon User
- Infinity +1 Element
- Ink-Suit Actor
- Intangible Man
- Invisibility
- Invisibility Cloak
- Jet Pack: I'm too scared to use on for fear of death by falling but they are cool.
- Journey to the Center of the Mind
- Knife Nut
- Lethal Harmless Powers
- Lethal Joke Item
- Living Shadow: They're so cute! I wish I could have one as a pet and/or friend.
- Loophole Abuse
- Lost Technology
- Lotus-Eater Machine
- Loyal Phlebotinum
- Machete Mayhem
- Made of Indestructium
- Made of Phlebotinum: It's a more realistic trope when you think about it; after all, computers and electricity are very popular in Real Life.
- Magic A Is Magic A: I like consistency.
- Magic Knight
- Magic Mirror
- Magic Missile
- Magitek
- Malevolent Mugshot
- Mana
- Marionette Master
- Mass Hypnosis
- Master of Illusion
- Matter Replicator: It is one day my hope we can make these for real, which would allow us to use nuclear power as much as possible (Got nuclear waste? Toss it into the replicator!) and make landfills obsolete.
- Mental World
- Mental Picture Projector: This could actually have some valid, practically applications.
- Me's a Crowd: If I couldn't have darkness or psychic powers, I would have this ability.
- Mind Manipulation
- Mind over Manners
- Minovsky Particle: Again, consistency is nice.
- Mirror Universe: I love these places!
- Mirror World: These too.
- Mook Promotion
- Monster Clown: Despite being afraid of clowns, I like this trope...or rather, maybe it's because I'm afraid of clowns that I like this trope.
- Mundane Utility: Because to do any less would be a waste.
- Nanomachines: So cool!
- Natural Weapon
- Necromancer
- Neural Implanting
- No Celebrities Were Harmed
- Non-Elemental
- No Self-Buffs
- No-Sell
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Old, Dark House: Actually...I would like to live in one.
- One Thousand Needles
- Our Liches Are Different: I think liches are the coolest time of undead; I'm still waiting for a story that makes a good-aligned lich the main character.
- People Puppets
- Piercing Attack
- Playing with Puppets
- Poisonous Person
- Portal Picture
- Post-Modern Magik
- Power Nullifier
- Power of the Void
- Professor Guinea Pig
- Projected Man
- Psychic-Assisted Suicide
- Psychic Block Defense
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone
- Psychic Link
- Psychic Powers: A trope I'm very much obsessed with and wished applied to me.
- Psychic Static: Nice to know that there is a way to beat psychics.
- The Ditz
- Reality Warper
- Rewriting Reality
- Right-Hand Cat
- Robinson/Goldberg Contraption: I love these things!
- Secret Project Refugee Family
- Sentient Phlebotinum
- Sinister Scythe: My favorite kind of improbable weapon.
- Smarter Than You Look
- Soul Power
- Sphere of Destruction
- Split Personality
- Standard Status Effects
- States of Phlebotinum
- Stupid Good: Being a little Stupid Good myself and able to laugh at my own failings, it's no surprise that I enjoy works with characters like this.
- Subverted Kids' Show: Oh, I love these shows! I wish they would make more.
- Summon Magic
- Super-Speed
- Swirly Energy Thingy
- Sympathy for the Devil
- Technicolor Fire: My favorite color? Black. Too bad it's not possible in real life....yet...
- Telepathy
- Teleporters and Transporters
- The Archmage
- The Bad Guy Wins: They do sometimes win, of course, and I like works that aren't afraid to show it. What I would really like to see are more examples of Affably Evil villains winning.
- The Grim Reaper: I know he's supposed to be scary but...I like this guy.
- The Gunslinger
- The Mirror Shows Your True Self
- The Paralyzer
- The Red Mage
- The Smart Guy
- The Undead: Especially the sentient ones.
- Third Eye
- Time Abyss
- Time Stands Still
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth
- Touch of Death
- Tracking Device
- Translator Microbes
- Truth Serums
- Turn Undead
- Unequal Rites
- Villainous Harlequin
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: When I was little, I was obsessed with this trope. There are other abilities I like better but I'm still fond of this trope.
- Walking Wasteland
- White Mask of Doom
- Whatevermancy
- Wolverine Claws
- Aesoptinum: Come on, man, you can think of better ways to teach your audience an Aesop!
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Eeeew, no! I can't stand cheerleaders! Or cheerleader types!
- All Men Are Perverts: No, they aren't.
- All Women Love Shoes: That's sexist! That's sexist and wrong! Stop being sexist!
- Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: I prefer stories where your special powers aren't tied to something that can simply and easily be stolen.
- Bamboo Technology: No, damn it, NO! You can not make everything out of wood and grass!
- Big Red Button: I know there are ways to justify having a self-desruction mechanism on your ship/machine/factory/whatever, but this isn't one of them.
- By the Power of Grayskull!: Unless we're talking about something that needs a Magical Incantation in order to work, why can't you just do it?
- Christianity is Catholic: It's like Hollywood doesn't even know Protestants even exist!
- Cloning Blues: As far as I'm concerned, all living things (and maybe even a few non-living things) have a soul, so a clone is just as real as a non-clone. Besides, identical twins are basically nature's clones, aren't they?
- Collapsing Lair: Unless we're talking about a structure that's being held together by the villain's will, this trope is usually kind of stupid...
- Context-Sensitive Button: NO! NO! Science does not work like that! Maybe magic, but not science!
- Cosmetically-Advanced Prequel: I know it can't be helped but it still bugs me.
- Dark Is Evil: Meh...I prefer works that use "Dark People who happen to be evil" rather than "Everything dark is evil!!1!!"
- Deader than Dead: This is High Octane Nightmare Fuel for me and I wouldn't wish this on anyone, not even a Complete Monster.
- Distracted by the Sexy: This trope is stupid and sexist, my most hated combination.
- Do-Anything Robot: Unless it's made out of magic, nanobots, or liquid metal, this trope doesn't make any sense. The issue of the limitations of physical space alone keeps me from taking this trope seriously.
- Double Standard: Double standards are pure evil and must be exterminated from our cultures. Yeah, I said it.
- Duct Tape for Everything: Duct tape does not work that way.
- 11th-Hour Superpower: Lazy writing at it's laziest.
- Elves Versus Dwarves
- Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy: Shut up; don't make me smack you! Besides, "ladies" are lame; tomboys are much more awesome!
- Fictional Counterpart: Shows and media should be allowed to use the real deal's name; I hate how restrictive American copyright laws are.
- Fluffy Cloud Heaven: I don't know what goes on in heaven anymore than the rest of us but I'm sure whatever it's like is more wonderful and meaningful than this stupid trope.
- Forgotten Phlebotinum: If it's forgotten that easily, then there was no point in showing it off in the first place.
- Forgotten Superweapon: Erg...getch....WHY WOULD YOU FORGET ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT!
- Girl on Girl Is Hot: Not only do I not find "girl on girl" "hot", but I struggle to understand how other men apparently do. See, if it was a homosexual girl who was purchasing the yuri material, that would make sense because she is gay herself; what does a straight male gain from watching two gay women from making out? I don't get it! And because of my ridiculously sheltered upbringing, I probably never will. Needless to say, I find straight people obsessing over gay couples to be creepy and voyeuristic.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Parodies and subversions are always funny but other than that this is one trope that's kind of lame when played straight.
- Grandpa God: I'm pretty sure God doesn't look like this...or anything, really, being a Supreme Spirit...can this trope be discredited now?
- Great Big Book of Everything: Unless it's a magical or an electronic book, this just doesn't work out.
- Handy Remote Control: Can a remote have a lot of useful, pre-progammed options? Sure. But can it do anything? Not without magic it can't.
- Het is Ew: YOU IDIOTS! You yourself (unless you were a "test tube baby") are a product of at least one heterosexual encounter! We're a species that reproduces through sexual intercourse between two different sexes; it's how nature (or God if you believe in that sort of thing like I do) made us, so stop acting like it's some kind of gross, bizzare sin of some kind! Geeze! It's like gay-bashing in reverse!
- I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!: No I don't, shut up. Just because I find you attractive doesn't mean I instantaneously lose my will power. Damn it, I fucking hate this trope!
- I'm a Man; I Can't Help It: Fuck you and this trope.
- Infinite Supplies: It's fine for video games due to the nature of the medium but as soon as you start thinking about it in any other...
- Inventional Wisdom: ....WHAT?!?
- Menstrual Menace: Now you're just being sexist.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Again, really lazy writing. I don't mind characters learning new powers but either their powers should still be developing, they're unstable enough to change, or they earn their new powers through work....otherwise...
- Offscreen Villain Dark Matter: Plllooooot hoooooooole!
- Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions: The less I say why I hate this trope, the better.
- Red Right Hand: No, it's actions that make you evil, not a deformity.
- Screw Learning, I Have Phlebotinum!: Unless we're talking about a scientific and/or magical Neural Implanting as a side or secondary effect, this trope is insanely stupid.
- Self-Defenseless
- Self-Destruct Mechanism: Unless you can justify it, this trope seems...stupid and unnecessary. Besides, destroying something the old-fashion way is just more exciting.
- Shallow Love Interest
- Spear Carrier
- Status Quo Is God: I hate this trope. I loathe this trope. I despisethis trope. It's an excuse for lazy writing and for cowards who are afraid of a little continuity.
- Take That, Critics!: Unless your critics are complete idiots (and by complete idiots, I mean in a "stupid You Tube poster", "retarded Hill-Billy", or "Chris-Chan" kind of way), you should take all criticism seriously; sometimes they might point out something you may have missed and can be a valuable learning experience.
- The Dark Side: Dark Is Not Evil, damnit.
- The Unfair Sex: I still hate double standards.
- Time Travel: It's not that I hate Time Travel persay, it's just that too many stories either uses really bad paradoxes or utilizes it poorly.
- TV Genius
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Why?