If you are reading this, you are reading the page of your average, everyday slacker. I am a gamer, and a writer of sorts.
Yeah, I'm pretty boring. I'm trying my hand at indie game development, but so far, it's been rough.
Tropes Describing Azure Ryuujin
- Berserk Button - Do not, under any circumstances, say I cannot do something. You will be proven wrong in the most humilliating way I can think of.
- Brilliant, but Lazy - Although I won't call myself brilliant, people have liked my writing talent. It's just a matter of coaxing me to do it.
- Bunny-Ears Lawyer - Loves to crack jokes and has a tendency to pull pranks. I also tend to make employee of the month.
- Chivalrous Pervert - I tend to be a bit attentive and quite affectionate towards women I like, but have full respect for them.
- Determinator- I once got hit by a car, didn't stop me from getting to a nearby parking lot and getting in a friend's car with little to no assistance.
- Large Ham - Invoked with full intent. Also, I love seeing this archtype.
Genres I like:
Anime, despite not being a real genre and more of a medium
RPGs, I am actually writing a Console style one now!
Beyond here, feel free to vandalize