Tropes related to this Troper:
- Brainy Brunette
- Used to be a Shrinking Violet now a Genki Girl!
- No Indoor Voice Not really on purpose, her voice is naturally louder.
- Celibate Hero Asexual.
- Haruhi Suzumiya This troper knows series aren’t usually supposed to describe people, but this is the case. Besides also being the previous trope, this is troper is almost exactly like Haruhi. Scarily. As well, this troper and her friends have noticed that they also have amongst her group a Kyon, a Yuki, and an Itsuki, at least in personality. While this troper has not found a Mikuru, she assumes she will drag a random person in who will fit the pattern (while not physically, this troper does tend to be forceful in making friendships…but at least not Defeat Means Friendship).
- Proud to Be a Geek
- Beware the Nice Ones Less in the hurting-you and more in the aforementioned Genki Girl coupled with Geekiness.
- Blood Lust It makes her happy...
- Actual Pacifist But she doesn't like it if that is coupled with the depression caused by knowing she
- Improbable Aiming Skills Surprisingly a crack shot even though her hands shake that at sometimes it’s hard to believe she can even hold a gun.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? (for Spiders and Heights)
- Badass Bookworm: If not actually, then working on it. She takes fencing, target shooting, and Dagorhir (Medieval fighting with foam weapons).
- Lyrical Dissonance One of my favorite types of songs.
- I Just Want to Be Special This troper prides herself on being weird, “The weirder, the better.” Mainly because weird = interesting, secondly because… well, this troper IS like Haruhi. (If you know magic or how to do time travel, please leave a message)
- Gorn lover or possibly Nightmare Fetishist
- Captain Obvious This troper thinks she may be Admiral Obvious already…
- Mind Screw This troper has been known to do this sometimes, but not too often.
- Absent-Minded Professor
- Blood Knight
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks! This Troper finds that she can’t stand things such as… new stores in her hometown and most music genres made during her life as well as 20 years before she was born.
- Action Girl Surprisingly, for an engineer who spends most of her time playing video games and reading manga.
- Companion Cube (possibly) This troper’s friends say she has an unhealthy relationship with Excel spreadsheets…and are concerned that she names he computers. But the latter is a family tradition.
- What Measure Is A Noncute This troper thinks cats, alligators, bugs, slime, and snakes are cute! Also some zombies.
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! Sometimes, but not always.
- For Science!
- Attention Deficit Creator Disorder
- Brilliant, but Lazy
- Hikikomori A bit.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator For: Homework, Artwork, Reading, anything ever and anything else.
- Hot-Blooded Somehow without ever getting angry…
- Mad Scientist majoring in Biomechanical other words, Cybernetics.
- She is usually a toned down Loonie or a Roleplayer in D&D. Rarely will she show Real Man or Munchkin tendencies. She has played mainly Dn D in groups consisting of Loonies.
- Used to not have friends in elementary school,but then got them after praying and getting them to her exact specifications. Still is unsure whether this means she is a Reality Warper, God actuallyexisting and caring, subconsciously seeking out friends, or extremely lucky random happenstance…. Now she has friends through Dn D! And her parents said it was for antisocial nerds. Even though her mom was ONE of those antisocial nerds.
- Cat Lover
- Brainy Specs This troper really does use them because she needs them, but this troper did make a point of choosing the glasses that looked the nerdiest (her dad would not let her get pilot's glasses, but she tried). She has lost them quite a few times. One time it was particulary bad in that they ended up in the couch with only a small bit showing- not enough to see without glasses and not enough in the open to feel for. However, her worst case of losing her glasses was when she looked for 3 hours before realizing she was looking through them.
To see her art, go to
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