AstraKiseki is a troper who started out by asking TsundereLightning to write the Trans Dimensional Ship entry for her because she fails at finding tropes.
Now. Fuck the third person at the moment. I'm in San Diego, and it's been a while. The problem is I lost my password and didn't realize it for several months. I should spruce this up.
The name's AstraKiseki, and I'm more of a lurker. I am horribly pop-culture retarded, learning most of what I know about modern media from... TV Tropes. I'm usually very disinterested in TV and movies, focusing on my microbiology studies and playing RPGs and writing. However, I have played some computer games, and a few console games. Fate Stay Night comes to mind, seeing I attempted a cosplay of Shirou as a girl before (and failed). I've also attempted a Touhou cosplay of Yukari, which was fun. I have just a Nintendo DS for now, preferring different RPGs and puzzle games over fighting games.
I'm a fan of Tabletop RPGs, especially Exalted with some er... notoriety for writing smut in that community. And for crack fic, seeing that I wrote lava squid porn on a dare. If you are inclined to read some of my work, here's a not-very-updated link to a list. If you are inclined to read my work, but don't want to log into the forum to get to the hot stuff, visit here.
Some of the fiction is stuck on the Freedom Stone due to very explicit content, but you might find something you like there.
If you want to see me trying mu hardest to trope something of my own, take a look here. Sadly, it's still Exalted. I'm a fangirl, what can I say?
Other tabletop games I like are Changeling (both versions, but Lost is best), Mage (both versions are fun), Maid RPG, Ravenloft, and Dungeons And Dragons.
Tropes In My Life
- Awesome Anachronistic Apparel - My dad's fedora and a good underbust corset work wonders on appeal (... and on your back).
- Born Lucky - Troper Tales starter.
- Cool Bike - Okay, okay, so it's a bright yellow Vespa. It's still mine.
- Chivalrous Pervert - In real life. I don't approach/ask out people unless I know they will say yes.
- Corrupt the Cutie - Well. I wasn't. I apparently corrupted Tsunde Ray. Oh well.
- Doing It for the Art - I have a fixation on accuracy and plausibility in my work that can get into the crazy.
- Everybody Hates Mathematics - Subverted until engineering-level calculus.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant - A trait of some of my characters, though some of those are just private fetish fuel for me. A friend has complained that I'm one as well, after admitting that it's very easy for me to write yuri.
- Gag Boobs + Of Corsets Sexy - GG stands for Good God. And a year later? HH means HOLY HELL. You want proof? Here, from the Good God days.
◊ And here for Holy Hell.
- Gamer Chick - Second generation to boot. Roleplaying Games, anyone?
- Gender-Blender Name - Sometimes. I'm called my dad's third son at times, using a male version of my real name.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck! - Self-censoring is so much fun.
- Inner Monologue - Well, how the hell do you think I'll be able to sort things out.
- If It's You, It's Okay - Gender only comes into my head after I get the crush and start fantasizing.
- Meganekko - And I have a fetish for it too.
- LARP - Changeling the Lost.
- Military Brat - Go Navy, beat Army.
- Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls - Well, I'm an adult. And I write porn. But I do enjoy writing characters just... living.
- Multicolored Hair - I started this Troper Tales part for a reason.
- Nightmare Fetishist - Diseases are fascinating. Looking up really gross medical stuff feels half-like looking at porn. Sort of.
- Pungeon Master
- Team Baker - My family tends to give baked goods as gifts, and often I bake to unwind. With recipes (and the occasional assistance) from Mom, a pastry chef before she got married and has a natural knack for juryrigging food, my stuff turns out delicious. note
- Tourettes Syndrome - Yes, yes, I have it. Ask me to swear, and I will happily curbstomp you into mush.
- Voice Actor - Well, I'm trying. >_>
- When She Smiles - Serene smirk
◊ vs. grinning
- World Of Darkness - So I play this a lot. That and Exalted.
- Writers Cannot Do Math - Subverted. I can do calculus. It's a bitch, but I can do it.