Er, hi.
By some weird chance, you managed to happen upon this page. Welcome to my humble abode.
My favorite names are Emily and Rachel, so those are usually what I go by on the internet. I'll respond to either one.
This troper provides examples of:
- Apologises a Lot
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!
- Berserk Button - A few, mostly sound-related
- Bookworm
- Buffy Speak - Sometimes I can't seem to articulate very well
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander - If I am hyper, in a strange/good mood, talking to a really good friend (on the rare occasion I have something to say), or talking to someone that I don't think I'll ever see again, I become this. My general thought process tends to generate raised eyebrows and "Where did that come from?" even when I do not meet any of those conditions.
- Covert Pervert - No comment...
- Facepalm
- Fangirl
- Genki Girl - When I get into the Cloudcuckoolander state of mind. Some people can induce it just by being around me.
- Gushing About Shows You Like - Yeah...
- Heroes Love Dogs - Well, assuming that I am the hero of my own life. Anyway, I adore dogs. I have a good dog at home who is not lacking in affection.
- Insufferable Genius - While I am not qualified to be a genius, I am intelligent and sometimes come across as condescending.
- The Klutz - I'm not as bad as most examples, but I do tend to accidentally knock over things and trip over chairs. I also have a poor memory regarding things that are not academic, trivial, or fanatic in nature. Lists are wonderful. The first person who made a list should be praised.
- Nerd / Most Tropers Are Young Nerds
- Nice Hat - I currently own over 30, not including my winter hats or my Chinese rice hat. I am rather well known for having "fabulous hats" at my school despite hats being against the dress code.
- Not a Morning Person - I'm up, just don't expect me to be comprehensible
- The Quiet One - Yeah.
- Sarcasm Mode - Put into use sometimes
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud
- Shrinking Violet - When not around my very best friends, and even then...
- Tv Tropes Will Enhance Your Life - On one hand, my vocabulary has improved, my boredom has been relieved, and I've found out about several wonderful media that I would never have learned of otherwise.
- Tv Tropes Will Ruin Your Life - On the other hand, tropes have crept into my daily speech patterns, I have an even easier time of figuring out the endings to works, and ohgodI'vespentHOWmuchtimeonhere?!
- Yaoi Fangirl
- Yuri Fan