Just somebody. This page is under construction so don't expect much here yet.
I am an example of these tropes (WIP)
- Asexuality: Self-explanatory. Don't even bother trying flirting with me.
- Deadpan Snarker: Downplayed. I'm not too much of a snarker per se, but I can be one if I'm ticked.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Downplayed. I don't wear shoes at home but in public... guess. The answer?
- Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: I am pretty girly, but I do like some "boyish" stuff XD
- Idiot Ball: I tend to catch this sometimes.
- I Read That As: Don't ask. This happens to me sometimes
- Self-Deprecation I do this A LOT.
- Shrinking Violet: Downplayed.
- Stepford Smiler: Downplayed, Type A. I'm not sad most of the time but when I am, I try to act happy and stuff.
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You can contact me on these sites
- DeviantArt (temporary hiatus): Foxstar241 (link is here
- FurAffinity: lowrie-the-bird
Some stuff I like... (WIP)
My characters (WIP)
Tropes shared by two or more characters
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Justified, because it's their fur colors.
- Petting-Zoo People: Well...
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Broken Bird: Had "friends" get mad at him for showing sadness, left him when he revealed he was trans..
- Deadpan Snarker: One of the snarkiest characters I've ever had.
- Do Not Call Me "Aurelia": Justified, because Aurelia was his birth name before becoming trans.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Subverted. He actually uses them quite often.
- Idiot Hair: Do not let the stray hair fool you, he is actually quite smart. Also, it is hidden by one of his ears.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He is actually quite nice beneath the snark. This is actually a front.
- Multicolored Hair: Downplayed. It's one blue streak in mostly gray hair.
- Petting-Zoo People: Aureleon is a Tanuki.
- Stepford Smiler: Zig zagged, Type A. He is actually quite sad and emotional, behind all the kindness and snark. However, there are some moments where he is actually happy.
- Stepford Snarker: See the description for Stepford Smiler.
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Zig zagged. Some people have to wait for him to warm up, while others see his warm side sooner.
- Tanuki
- Tsurime Eyes: Fitting for a tsundere like him.
- When He Smiles
- Bowties Are Cool
- Curtains Match the Windows: Brown hair, brown eyes.
- Deadpan Snarker: Downplayed. She only snarks when she has a bad day.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Subverted. She actually uses them.
- Petting-Zoo People: She is a Tasmanian devil.
- Punny Name: Her name is a pun off of "mechan", which is a Greek root that means mechanical.
- Seldom-Seen Species: She is a Tasmanian devil.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate.
- Absurd Phobia: She has a phobia of... imperfection. Justified as she is a perfectionist.
- Meaningful Name: Stella the star goddess.
- Multicolored Hair: White hair with sky blue streaks.
- Mystical White Hair: Downplayed. She has sky blue streaks.
- Nice Girl: When she's not pranking people. Usually.
- Petting-Zoo People: She is an arctic fox.
- The Prankster: Downplayed. She likes to play pranks on people but doesn't do it excessively.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Downplayed. Both her and Scarlet think things out, but Stella is more introverted. Stella is also more of a Nice Girl, while Scarlet is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Stellar Name
- Star Power: Seeing as she is the goddess of stars...
- Trickster: She loves to trick other people.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Her powers cannot activate during the day or cloudy nights.
- White Hair, Black Heart: Inverted, and downplayed. She is the hero of her story, and her hair has sky blue streaks in it.
- Deadpan Snarker: Especially when mad.
- Despair Event Horizon: In a game I'm planning, in one of the bad endings. Specifically, Bad End 3.
- Evil Redhead: Downplayed. She is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold that is Affably Evil. Her hair is also pink. Eventually subverted, as she and the kingdom she works for make a Heel–Face Turn.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Meganekko: Downplayed. She's a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Playing with Fire
- Scarlet Fever: This explains itself.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Downplayed. Both her and Stella think things out, but Scarlet is more extroverted, and Scarlet is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, while Stella is more of a Nice Girl.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Downplayed. Her child self was a regular Nice Girl, while her adult self is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Her fire powers can be deactivated by splashing water on her.
Layla Charise
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Downplayed. She is only slightly rude when people first meet her.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: She is usually ignored when I upload art of her.
- The Perfectionist
- Token Human: The only human OC I have currently.
- Tsurime Eyes: Downplayed. She's only slightly rude at first.
- The Scrappy: Downplayed. Most people tend to ignore her.
- Badass Adorable: Do not let her size fool you; she is capable of fighting using throwing knives.
- Cute Owl: She is a barn owl.
- Dark Is Not Evil: She is the princess of the Night Kingdom, but she is still good.
- Feather Fingers
- Immortality: Has Retroactive Immortality. (meaning she can still die, but she won't stay dead.)
- Knife Nut: Averted. Even though she uses throwing knives, she is sane.
- Non-Mammalian Hair: The back of her hair is styled in a Hime Cut.
- Petting-Zoo People: A barn owl.
- Princess Incognito: She tends to do this in her spare time sometimes.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: She becomes this when she grows up.
- She's All Grown Up: I have yet to design her adult version though.
- Spoiled Sweet: Justified. Despite her parents spoiling her, they still taught her to not abuse her power and to rule fairly.
- Weak, but Skilled: Isten cannot lift heavy objects, but she can easily use combat knives to defend herself.